
'The Town of Allopath' Video, What do you think of it?

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  1. Looks like it hit the spot. Well done. And Alex is right. If you want to enter the forum with some criticism, good, but please study the subject in full. If you don't, you are just another ignorant my allopathic friend.

  2. Pretty lame.  I got as far as "Skidmarks disease" just so I was sure of its' point....basically to slag science based medicine in favour of magical thinking.  If I'm wrong..sue me, I couldn't force myself to watch the whole thing.

    Allopathy is a term coined by the 17th century inventor of homeopathy, Hahneman, to contrast with what he did.  At the time, it was perhaps a reasonable distinction but it is not a description of the modern, evidence based scientific modelof medicine that has arisen since the term was coined.  Most doctors would consider it pejorative, and it is usually used that way by Alties, accompanied by a sneer.

    The accusation that we only treat symptoms is ludicrous.  It is actually homeopaths who treat symptomatology by checking of lists of symptoms and finding a (placebo) recipe in their cookbook.

    EDIT  Alex F.  While versions of "like cures like"  had been around since Greek times,and were also mentioned by Paracelsus,  it was Hahneman who codified the ideas with his 3 sillly laws and is credited with coining the terms. (Hey...why don't homeopaths talk about his 3rd law?)

    And I stand by my assertion...Homeopathy is completely ruled by treatment of symptoms.

    I also don't come here to engage in long pointless private email debates with zealots.  I don't do it with 911 conspiracy advocates or those who think the world will end in 2012 or that Jesus' second coming is imminent, so why would I make an exception for you?  My comments and answers are open for the public...unlike yours which you keep hidden.

    I don't recognize your "taoist tradition" as giving you unique or valid insights into the way the universe actually works.  It is my experience that for most Alties, their belief systems are akin to religious belief. It is faith based, and the more evidence shows it is wrong, the stronger they cling to their beliefs, as if faith in that absence or even contradiction of evidence is a virtue.

    I see my role is to inject some common sense, balance, and a dose of reality into the sillyness that passes for exchange of information on this forum.  I am a skeptic, but I'm not a cynic.

    When Alties do the actual hard tedious boring work of simply proving ONE of their core philosophies as true...then we can talk.  So far, still waiting....

  3. I love that video, and it does a great job of illustrating a lot of the problems with our health care system without explicity mentioning controversial concepts in the real world.

    The faculty at my school's holistic health department really liked it, but I couldn't post it for them because it had a commcerial link at the end of it :|  so my main criticism is that the video without that minor part doesn't exist online.

    As far as skepdoc goes, I have a few quick points;

    Technically the term was coined by hypocrates.

    Secondly, he's making a common flaw debunkers make.  He claims to be an expert on a subject with the authority to completely dismiss it...yet he doesn't even bother to fully read or understand the subject he's commenting on.  It really bothers me when self proclaimed experts do this.

    I also disagree with your claim allopathy doesn't focus on symptoms, or that you can put that label on a homeopath.  I'd be happy to have a lengthy debate with you on this matter, but every previous time I've answqerd your call to give a long detailed response to your backhanded ignortan dismissal of the of a practice, you've simply chose not to respond.

  4. terrible... i could hardly watch it....  is it aimed for 2 yr olds?  or does mercola just think that we're all a bit mentally retarded?

    i'm not going to waste my life watching that video...

  5. Stupid

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