
'Winning' The Iraq 'War'? 'Winning'?

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More and more news is slowly oozing out about how the US may be 'winning' the 'war' in Iraq. How can a nation 'win' something its troops were put in place to merely control into a desired outcome? How can a 'war' become fought by a nation that wasn't formally provoked to begin with?




  1. Wow.  You got a complete answer from Kojak.

    Not one of his statements is correct and most are exactly opposite the truth!

  2. And even if we "win," it's got to be one of the biggest Pyrrhic victories in history:

    I'm old enough to remember Vietnam too, they announced we were "winning" right up to the very end. And these Iraq pronouncements are by the same people who said the war would last months, cost 50 billion, and a few hundred lives. I think we can safely say they're wrong about this too.

  3. OK How about 'winning the pre emptive attack on a sovereign nation'?  I get sick of hearing the spin . All that is happening is that things are quieter there and worse in Afghanistan and Pakistan-way worse.

  4. Yes, I agree - it is a misnomer.  Maybe the news should be oozing out words like, order is being maintained; the Iraq military is now demonstrating its ability to maintain security; insurgent attacks are at an all time low; stability has been restored, a united Iraq is emerging.  The words "winning the war" just doesn't seem to fit.

  5. Technically......there is no "war"......not by Congressional definition.... they never "declared war".....which they must do for it to be a "war'......but when our young military people are being killed...... that is close enough for me......It maybe an "armed conflict' or the "use of force".....on the floor of Congress..... but it is WAR on the battlefield

    We are winning.....We set out to do three things.....INVADE IRAQ (completed)......CAPTURE & DEPOSE SADDAM (completed)......CREATE A STABLE PRO-WEST GOVERNMENT ABLE TO DEFEND ITSELF ( almost complete)

    Even the terrorists are migrating to Afghanistan where they have a better chance.....there are only a few pockets of terrorists left in Iraq and most of the country is under Iraqi controlled security.....that by definition is a WIN

    A nation that never prevoked???

    Iraq tried to assassinate a US President

    Iraq declared war on America

    Iraq tried three times to shoot US Peacekeeping forces

    Iraq paid suicide bombers $25,000 to kill Americans

    Iraq trained and funded terrorists including Al Quida

    Iraq refused to comply with UN Peace Accords

    .....and believe it or not.....Iraq had WMDs.....we found them.....they were even used against our troops......indications are also that TONS of WMDs were moved to Syria

    all that seems prevokative to me

    BLOBBY... I can prove every statement.  You have yet to offer any facts in refutation.....just your opinion.....your opinion and $10 might get you a coffee at Starbucks but it means NOTHING here..... cite your facts

    BLOBBY..... You say there were no WMDs..... FIRST what is a is a weapon that can cause "mass destruction" indescriminately.....such as poison gas.....nuclear weapons etc.... it may or may not require an ICBM / rocket delivery system.

    SECOND When the 101st AAD entered Baghdad they found gallons of poison gas (sarin and mustard) dumped in the Euphrates River... THOSE ARE WMDs...... Later a warehouse was discovered with over 500 rounds of WMD munitions.... most of them still lethal and capable of killing thousands ......all you needed was a wrench, a suicide bomber and a thermos.... THOSE WERE WMDs...... On three occasions a roadside IED was used that contained sarin gas......THOSE WERE WMDs

    In addition there are THREE independent sources ( Iraqi General Sada.....Iraqi border guard.....and an internationally repected Syrian reporter) that report TONS of WMDs were moved out of Iraq into three villages in the Bakka Valley..... we even know which villages and how it is stored.....

    Your "source" just said they had taken the investigation as far as they could......he never said there were no WMDs..... or that WMDs were not moved

    I suppose you think there was no "Yellow Cake" either.... yellow cake can be used to create a dirty bomb.....also a WMD.... We found three tons of yellow cake in Iraq and just resently move two tons to Canada for safe keeping

    LT CMDR..... Bush did not "lie".....He said in the address to the nation that British intelligence has information that Iraq attempted to buy Yellow Cakle from Nigeria.....which is TRUE..... British MI 6 has tapped telephone converations between Iraqi government officials and the Nigerian government.... BEYOND that and in refutation of Mr Wilson......we found three tons of Yellow Cake in Iraq.....two tons were just moved to Canada.....If there was no Nigerian deal.....where did the Iraqis get the yellow cake ?? And the Bush administration did NOT out Mr Wilson's wife ( Vallerie).....she was outed by a Clinton democrat

    Not really a big deal since she was flying a desk at Langley and no longer an agent.....ALL foreign intelligence services knew her statusm ( they photograph the gate.....they know who works there.....I am an ex-intel staff me.....she was "outed" YEARS ago)

    LT CMDR.... The UN runs the Iraqi oil fields.....all profits from Iraqi oil go to the Iraqi people..... According to economics 101.... exactly has Bush controlled supply? OPEC controls supply and has maintained the same level of production for years How has Bush manipulated demand?

    If anything by saving and rebuilding the Iraqi oil industry.....Bush has helped INCREASE supply on the world market and held prices DOWN....  and has not profited one dime from the might surmise that if the antiquated Iraqi oil fields had been allowed to fail......THEN Bush would have profited.

    See above on your error about Yellow Cake..... you need to replace your G-2.....he has been giving you bad intel

  6. You are entirely correct. There is no war in Iraq, never has been. We illegally invaded the country and have illegally occupied for five years at the cost of over 100,000 Iraqi civilians, including many women and children, not too mention, over 4,100 of our bravest and most loyal citizens . Bush and Cheney went in for oil, it's that simple. We knew perfectly well that Saddam Hussein never posed a threat to America in any way, he never has. We were informed by the UN Weapons Team that there were likely "No Weapons". Bush and Cheney ignored this since it didn't fit their agenda to loot Iraq's oil and sell it to Americans at grossly inflated prices.

    The photos Colin Powell used to show the alleged  Iraqi WMD's were taken many years before and he knew that when presenting them.

    We kicked out the UN Weapon Inspectors before they completed their extensive search, and while Saddam Hussein was destroying the last few of his missile arsenal.

    Kojak is almost 100% wrong in his answer.

    The Bush administration refused to acknowledge huge amounts of accurate intelligence opposing his ideas and plans. In fact, the reason CIA operative Valerie Plame's name was made public, was to punish her husband Joe Wilson (Former Ambassador) for supplying perfectly credible evidence that there was NO alleged cake Uranium coming to Iraq via Africa, and publishing an op-ed story titled "What I Didn't Find In Africa" that criticized Bush for twisting intelligence. The completely untrue cake uranium story was cooked up by the Bush Administration and used in Bush's State of the Union speech to scare America and prompt a reaction. Bush and Cheney, (both oil men from Texas), deliberately caused the price of oil to spike to historic levels to profit off of it.

    We should never have gone in to Iraq, as many were adimately against before the wrongful attack, including my colleague Jim Webb, the Former Secretary of the Navy, highly decorated Marine and sponsor of the new GI Bill that recently passed after being opposed by both Bush and John McCain.

    Iraq is not a situation that we can ever "win". You cannot win something when there has been no provocation. We will complete our mission and leave, as the Iraqi's have been telling us to do for five years now. They hate us now and want us to leave immediately and have been attacking us violently since we executed their rightfully, or not, elected President. In fact, the Bush administration was never elected, yet chose to execute a President of a Middle Eastern country we wrongly attacked. Bush created huge terrorist recruitment with his improper and poorly conceived plans. No we cannot "win" in Iraq.

    If we hadn't deployed 150,000 troops to Iraq at camp Anaconda, we could have deployed them to Afghanistan at camp Phoenix to assist the current 15,000 troops. The chances would have been excellent that we would have apprehended Osama  Bin Laden (Saudi Arabian Terrorist) who attacked us on September 11, 2001, and brought him to justice.

    Mr. Blobby is correct too.

    For Kojak:

    WASHINGTON - In his final word, the CIA’s top weapons inspector in Iraq said Monday that the hunt for weapons of mass destruction has “gone as far as feasible” and has found nothing, closing an investigation into the purported programs of Saddam Hussein that were used to justify the 2003 invasion.

    “After more than 18 months, the WMD investigation and debriefing of the WMD-related detainees has been exhausted,” wrote Charles Duelfer, head of the Iraq Survey Group, in an addendum to the final report he issued last fall.

    “As matters now stand, the WMD investigation has gone as far as feasible.”


    I respect your freedom to comment, however the pro-bush spin is nonsense.

    There is and was NO Cake Uranium. You need to get out of the sun.

    Plame was outed by Cheney, "Scooter" Lewis Libby, Rove and Robert Novak.

    Bush and Cheney are oil men; that's why we are in Iraq. The UN doesn't control anything. Look how well they fared at telling Bush and Cheney to let the Weapons Inspectors to do their job. Bush and Cheney kicked the UN out, and then proceeded to murder vast amounts of civilian Iraqi's just to steal their oil.

    Real warriors don't kill civilians, let alone women and children. Those are unacceptable losses, not collateral damage.

    You've been listening to Rush Limbaugh too much.

    Get some fresh air and take a look back at the REAL FACTS. Fantasy land is for cartoons.

    Really, stay out of the sun!

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