
'bout Jim Cramer's long-term performance?

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Can someone kindly show me about Jim Cramer (of CNBC, Mad Money):

1. how many funds / portfolios does he now operate in person?

(I know he runs hedge fund, charity fund, personal portfolio...etc.)

2. his long-term performance of the past at least 5~10 years?

(rate of return of the past at least 5~10 years, maybe versus S&P 500 as well)

I need independent numbers so that I may decide if it's worthy to pay $400 per year for his Action Alerts Plus plan.

Thank you so much!




  1. Here's what you need to know about Jim Cramer, nothing else.

  2. 1. None

    2. He has been right only 47% of the time.

    3. I think that is stupid, I would simply buy a money magazine and see what the top performers are.

    4. Invest in the market (with as little fees as possible, hence buy no load funds, etc.).

    5. Cramer is a bonehead, a nice and funny guy, but don't listen to him on individual stocks (for example  a couple of months ago he was buy buy buy GM, they just issued a statement they're filing for bankruptcy protection and the stock has lost 30% since he made the reccomendation).

    6. Because he guesses a few correct, doesn't make him smart.

    7. learn on your own

    8. good luck

    9. im not sure why i keep numbering these

    10. peace

  3. Barron's several months ago did an article, tracking his long term performance. It was below the S&P500.

    The problem tracking someone like Cramer (or anyone else) is there's no exit strategy.  With out, position sizing, money management and an exit strategy... he could be right the majority of times and you could still lose money.

    Don't lose sight that the most important part of trading is not picking the right stock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...  (yes... picking the the right stock is less than 50% of the battle).......................

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