
'did anybody at the 2020 summit come up with a solution to sydney's traffic dilemma ?

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'did anybody at the 2020 summit come up with a solution to sydney's traffic dilemma ?




  1. They came up with solutions for ordinary Australia? Yeah right!

    I have to admit I and most of my friends think it was all a political talkfest and a waste of money.

    They would have been better stopping people in the street and inviting them to participate in the summit. Then you may have got a traffic solution.

  2. You think Sydney's got traffic problems? Have you seen Brisbane? So in answer to your question, I hope so for both of our sakes.

  3. I'd be astonished if they came up with any solutions to any problems, let alone something of a local nature like Sydney's traffic.

  4. No, I don't believe so. I'm disappointed that I was so close to going (finalist) but was rejected probably because I'm only 13 years old. The main agendas were by the evidence of what was reported about the summit was that they were really focusing on being a republic and Climate Change. But you never know there could have been someone there who tried to think of an idea to solve it. They really wanted to get ideas that help the wider community.

    But if they try and solve Sydney's traffic dilemma what about the rest of the country? Why not fix some of Perth’s problems or even Melbourne’s? They really wanted to get ideas that help the wider community. I'm a bit confused about the summit because the whole idea was believed to be to fix problems that are there already not trying and make a whole new idea up.

  5. no.all they wanted to discuss is republic,climate change and all of the things that is not relevants to our social economic

  6. Do you honestly think that was on the agenda at the 2020 summit?, because I thought they only thought of the bigger issues, not something so small as traffic dilemma's in Sydney, and like the other poster said, we also have traffic dilemma's here in Brisbane as well. At the summit its only the long range larger issues that are discussed that affect the whole of Australia, not one part or state.

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