
'flu home remedy?

by  |  earlier

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has anybody got any GOOD and EFFECTIVE natural/home cold and 'flu remedies? i feel really miserable, but want to try the natural medicine route before going back to chemicals.




  1. sounds really weird and ive got no idea how it works but slept all night last night for the firt time in ages

    Vicks Vapo-rub on your feet then put socks on  ;)

    give it a go, its magic

  2. To all the other remedies, I would add that I've had excellent luck w/ a) Oscillococcinum and Aconite (both homeopathic), but you must take these early on,  b) lots of homemade chicken soup, made by simmering the entire carcass of the chicken including wings and feet (and even the beak and head, in some cultures...) into the broth.  The minerals are truly helpful in combating this virus and have been shown to be so clinically; c)  I also have excellent result with antiviral/antibiotic herbs such as astragalus, schizandra, echinaecea, goldenseal, usnea, burdock, nettle, licorice, red root, osha, myrrh, propolis.  Things like this, and I do not use them everyday, so my body does not become used to them.  If you have a hot condition (fever, etc.) or constitution, be judicious in your use of astragalus, schizandra and at times echinaecea, as these can exacerbate (make worse) hot conditions.

  3. Eat a bowl of chicken noodle soup, take a hot bath, and go to bed.

  4. Seriously, take a dessertspoonful of vitamin c powder diluted with water (and a sweetener if your prefer) take this morning and night on the first day and see how you feel on the second.  You will know you have had had enough when you get 'the runs' i.e. very loose stools, don't worry about it, it is just your body telling you you have had enough.  Believe me if stops colds etc., in their tracks and although you cannot eradicate all the symptoms of real 'flu, it will certainly help.

  5. Have plenty of hot drinks.  Before you go to bed wrap up as if you were going out in the snow.

    Then put on a pakamac and get into bed.

    With a bit of luck you will sweat it out over about two nights.

    It has worked for me!

  6. There is no 'cure' for colds or 'flu which are caused by viruses.  You just have to wait until your body fights it off.  If you have the 'flu, you should stay home and don't go to work.  That way you don't spread it round to everybody else.  Get plenty of bed rest and drink plenty of fluid.  If you have a blocked nose or sore throat, menthol lozenges will at least make you feel a little more comfortable.  As somebody else suggested, Vicks Vaporub is also good stuff.  There is no point in asking your doctor for antibiotics.  They do not cure viruses.

  7. A lot of people swear by doing a steam inhalation using Vicks Vaporub or eucalyptus oil.  Put some Vaporub/oil in a large bowl with hot water, put your face over the bowl with a towel draped over your head to keep the vapours in, and inhale.  It's quite effective for blocked sinuses.

    I personally like hot honey & lemon drinks to help with a sore, scratchy throat.  Mix a little bit of lemon juice into a mug of boiling water, and then add a spoonful or two of honey.

    If you've got digestive upsets, chamomile or peppermint tea can be soothing.

    Apart from making sure you spend as much time as possible resting and making sure you keep warm, that's about all I can think of!

    Hope you feel better soon x

  8. The common flu is caused by a virus which mutates every year- I doubt very much that there will be a one-off instant cure for the common flu anytime soon.

    Any good doctor would only recommend clear fluids (not alcohol) and bed rest. Let your immune system do the rest.

  9. If you have the flu, it is a virus and you will have to "ride it out" so to speak.

    The only things you can really do to alleviate your symptoms are to:  drink plenty of fluids (if you don't, you'll get dehydrated which will result in even more muscle aches and headaches), eat properly (even if you feel rotten, your body must have proper nutrition or it can't sustain a good fight against illness), take pain relievers for the headaches/muscle aches, (your body is working like crazy to fight off this invasion, and that will make your body feel tired even if you never got out of bed).

    Feel better soon.

  10. I fill a tub of HOT water and stay in it until the fever will go thru cycles and it is a weird experience to be sitting ion a tub of hot water up to your chin and still feel cold but it does help...when a hot cycle hits you Just stay in the water and ride thru it,,,you will be cold soon enough...and High doses of Vitamin C and plenty of juice and water..good luck

  11. Yeah but whether you have these things is a different matter:

    Boil up:

    Lemon juice and a bit of lemon peel

    Cloves (little black things that look like tripods with a seed in the bottom)


    -This is the one additive you may not want to use but it really really works - garlic, chuck a clove or two in
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