
'modernization has brought down family values'. what are the points to write a paper on this title?

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'modernization has brought down family values'. what are the points to write a paper on this title?




  1. Destruction of the family unit by design=Socialist International

    Abortion on demand+morning after pill.

    Consumerism, the I want it now syndrome.

    Downgrading of Christian values.


    Divorce and the lack of need for fathers.

    Out of control uk government spreading instability throughout society.

  2. 1.modernization has made our lies to be very fast hence family members get very less time to spent together....rather are least bother to spent time together they have so many things to think about or to make them this modern world people run behaind  money fame and being number one all the time....which has raced the competition level as well  ppl are not happy with what they have even if they have more than the race of being number one people have left behain all there principles and values....the situation has become such that "cheating" has become a daily routine...its true taht modernization has made our lifes very comfortable and easy but it has also made us very lazy.....the meaning of the word "hapiness" has been changed its like people who have more is believed to be more happy the word "self satisfaction" has been left far behaind.......

  3. divorce rate has gone sky high

    Single parent dwellings

    Religion has been forgotten

    no committed relationships

    dead beat dads

    both parents working, kids left home alone

    violence on T.V. video games, movies,

    drugs available on every street corner

    there will be more of the above with the economy going down the tubes in recent months.

  4. I don't think modernization has brought down family values. A lack of teaching proper beliefs & morals is what has led to a breakdown of the family.

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