
'parallel universes' is it possible that it exists?

by Guest59056  |  earlier

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If it is possible, could it prove that time travel is possible?




  1. It is a possibilty. I don't believe in time, so to me it could prove space travel, not time travel.

  2. It is possible, but we can't scientifically deal with them - our universe is "All that there is." if something can be reached from inside our universe or influences our universe or is influenced by our universe, it is part of our universe.

    Now, it does not help you with time travel. If you can reach something, it is part of the universe and will be bound by space-time and the related phenomena.  

  3. Check out the article I linked. It'll tell you about the theory of the existence of a "multiverse," or more than one universe existing parallel to the others.

    There's also the MWI, or "many worlds interpretation" that's in the same vein. It wouldn't prove time travel is possible, but it would help get past some of the paradoxes that time travel existence would create.

  4. Possible, but unproven.

    Prove it exists, then you can ask the second question.

  5. Time travel and "parallel universes" don't go hand-in-hand.  As for if they exist - depends on what theory you subscribe to;  They *could* exist, according to some.  Even if they do, however - a "universe" different from ours means that we'd have no evidence or experience with it - so it's kind of a moot point.

  6. I think parallel universes are possible. I don't believe that they would have the same creatures with the same lives but different scenarios in them; i.e. there isn't another me but with a different house and different friends, etc. I also don't think that we would be able to detect it either.

    Have you heard the theory on mirror matter? It's kind of like matter opposite of our own. We can't see it or feel it because we can only see our own matter. It can travel right through us and right through everything.

    I don't really know what parallel universes have to do with time travel?

  7. of course it could exist

    and more than likely does

    which would explan some things  such as ufo home bases etc

    the universe is not round  it is shaped more like a flag blowing in the wind

    our Universe is curved like a Pringle potato chip,

    Of course there is no such thing as time

    We use it only for our point of reference   for distance speed

    so the all things are happeing right now

    past present and future

    how is that

    well the universe is  layerd   like pieces of papers  stacked on top of each other   then   put on like a pencil   example only

    like fabric  all the pieces  interwind with each other  

    for examle we are in what is called   3 diminsional  

    deminsions as high as 12 or more are known

    some of course are  invisible realms such as mind

    with in the fabric   or the universe  worm  holes  or tunnels

    are  present

    which is how time travel  occures   threw the worm holes

    LIke that tv show sliders

    almost like the tube  slide at the water park

    enter the tube  and bomb  out the other side

    the answer to your question

    i say yes   lol


  8. it would be really cool if there was

  9. Quantum physics relies on pure randomness to explain why a photon is detected in one place and not another, or where an electron will be at any particular time.  Some find the concept of pure randomness hard to reconcile, since it violates the classical law of causality, so they entertain a purely hypothetical idea that every possible combination of events actually do occur, but each in a different universe.  For example, the universe splits every time a photon is detected from a flashlight: one where it is detected on the wall on the left side of the beam, and another where it is not yet detected at all.  And then another where it is detected on the right side of the beam.  And almost an infinite number of others where it is detected somewhere else at some other point in time.  This might explain why events appear to happen randomly in quantum physics, but also implies that there are nearly an infinite number of parallel universes, some very similar to ours with only a single photon out of place, and others very different that were split off at a earlier time in history.  If there was a way cross over and navigate between these universes, I still don't think time travel would be possible.  We would just find other universes with varying degrees of differences from our own.

  10. technically there could be anything beyond the infinite void that is our universe.

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