
3rd and 5th grade summer activities?

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So i got a summer nanny job for 2 girls and they are 8 and 10. and i need different things to do during the summer, that they will find fun, to help them in the subjects that they are lacking in. the older one is having problems with math and the younger one is having problems with science and math. the older one is a book worm and likes reading and the younger one loves acting and singing. does anybody have any reccomendations for what to do?




  1. s*x?


    Have them read the word.


    Add the bed. Subtract the clothes. Divide the legs. Leave your soultion. And pray you dont multiply. (and some religion)


    Babies come when gravity forces Daddy's limo into Mommy's garage.

    Sing a song about s*x.

    Act out s*x.

    Read about s*x.


  2. go to the library  and check out some books with science experiments. You could do the summer reading program with the girls.........Our library offers prizes for reading books.

    You could also make like  a play stage or puppet theater for the girls. they could make their own puppets or rent them from the library

  3. try: They usually have free or inexpensive activities for kids of all ages

  4. Estimate the weight of a household object. Ask your child to guess the weight of the family cat, a dictionary, a glass of water. Then use a scale to find out the real weight. Have him estimate his own weight, and that of other family members. Were his estimates on target?

    Buy your child a watch with an hour and second hand. Periodically ask him to tell you what time it is. Ask questions like: "If Arthur comes on at 4 p.m., how many more minutes do you have to wait?" "It takes me 15 minutes to drive to the store. Do I have time to get there before it closes at 5 p.m.?"

    Use M&M's to teach fractions. Have your child count the M&M pieces in a bag. Then sort them by color. Count the number of green M&M's to find out what fraction of all of the candy is that color. Do the same with the other colors. Eat the results.

    Fold a napkin. An idea from the U.S. Department of Education: Fold paper towels or napkins into large and small fractions. Start with halves, then move to quarters, then eighths, and finally 16ths. Use magic markers to label the fractions.

  5. What about summer camps at the park district? Or in a play- or a tutoring service at Sylvan? Going to the Library is fun.

    Classes, like dance and voice.

    Going to plays like Wicked.

    Swimming or Volleyball class.

    Have friends over.

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