
3yr long distance relationship with girlfriend and I love her but I want to join a frat. What should I do?

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I started dating my girlfriend my senior year of high school. I got accepted to a university in California and she got accepted into a school in the Midwest. Right before we left I bought her a diamond promise ring and said that no distance could ever pull this relationship apart. Well it so happens that after 2 years in college this still remains the case and I love it. Every time I see her, I get the feeling like I am holding her hand again for the first time. The only problem is that I am a very social person. The school that I am accepted to is very nerdy and I have yet to find true friends. I grew up as an only child raised by a single mom so I never had any brothers or siblings. I feel like I have been missing out for my first half of college. I am becoming depressed because I have yet to find any real friends that I can just call up and talk to on a regular basis. I know some people in fraternities down here and they love it. The friends that they meet become like brothers and I really need a close group of guys down here. The only problem is that I love my girlfriend and I am scared that I will lose her if I join. Can anyone point me in the right direction?




  1. We need more information. Why are you afraid of losing her? Are you afraid she will respect you less if you join a frat? Are you afraid that the sexual peer pressure in the frat will cause you to be unfaithful? Are you afraid that the frat will take up the time and money you would spend on her?

    So far, you haven't actually described a real problem.

  2. The best thing to do is tell your girlfriend how you are feeling. Obviously you trust each other and thats where most people have their problems. Since she loves you, she will prolly be ok with it as long as you dont change who you are or how you act just to fit in.

    IMPORTANT: if she gets really upset by the idea even after you explain it to her, then you shouldn't join unless you want to loose her.  

  3. I think if you want to join a Fraternity then do it. Your girlfriend should trust you enough to control yourself.

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