
3yrs. having ct scan on my abdominal aorta I have scare tissue on it.Dr. not sure it's a aneurysm?

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3yrs. having ct scan on my abdominal aorta I have scare tissue on it.Dr. not sure it's a aneurysm?




  1. Honestly, I would go get a 2nd or 3rd opinion from other drs.  You dont want to mess around with possible scar tissue on an aorta or a possible aneurysm.  Please find a specialist or get at least a 2nd or even a 3rd opinion.  Some drs just may not know.  If its your reg doctor, he/she is probably a general family dr, and you want to see someone most specialized.  good luck, and I hope for your sake it is nothing to worry over.

  2. A good radiologist should be able to tell if it's an aneurysm or not and then report back to your family doctor.

    Contrary to the first answer, simply having an AAA and being alive isn't unusual. We follow some patients for a few years before their AAAs get to the point of needing repair.

  3. OK you possibly had a triple A and you are still alive?  You do realize that that is amazing.  Is your question ..if its not a AAA what is it?

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