
4,000 dead solders of the Iraq war. Is this statistic really just terrible?

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Even though 4,000 dead is 4,000 too many and I pray for all that have lost their son or daughter in this war, Is this stastic really that bad. After all 58,000 died in Vietnam and we kill over 1/2 million babies with abortions every year. Also what about all the people who die from automoblie accidents every year in the USA. Is it fair to use these stats as a compairson?




  1. It's sad as I don't believe the majority of Iraqians want peace in their country and do not appreciate that these American soldiers have given their life for Iraqs peace and freedom!

  2. Terrible yes. It IS that bad. Just because this war hasn't claimed as many young lives doesnt make it "better". Just think, there are 4,000 families out there that are suffering. I lost my brother this summer to the war in Afghanistan and just that ONE death isnt worth it.

    Fair? No. This war is not the same as any other war and completely different from an "accident". War is never the answer

  3. This is terrible and to introduce The Right To Peace into The Constituition could stop further wars. The Human Right to own the planet and conserve natural Resources could keep other soldiers alive. No more Resource Wars.

  4. I don't think it's fair to use these stats as a comparison, in fact I think it's disgusting.  Doing so is pushing a political agenda, it's justifying the war.  4,000 people have died and that is significant, no matter what you believe.  4,000 people have died, let us recognize that, mourn that and send our good wishes to their families.

  5. The Iraq war is a pro-capitalist war. The most immoral war conceivable. Not a war of defence but a war the sole aim of which is to make money for oil companies and those politicians with their noses in the trough. That is why 4000 dead is significant and incomparable with abortion, a social ill propagated by the capitalist global economy where billions of dollars are made exploiting the poor in third world countries, while those in the home countries are denied the chance of a job and the opportunity to support a child, hence they resort to abortion.

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