
4,000 deaths is a lot?

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Not to sound like a complete jerk and I do feel for the the troops, but compared to other wars (Vietnam 58,209 U.S. deaths,WWII 418,500 U.S. deaths,364,511 U.S. deaths) 4,000 doesn't seam that much over 5 years.

Do you think that this war would be over a lot sooner and our troops would be home faster if the media would just keep there noses out of the armys business, let them do what they have to do instead of worrying about selling papers.? Also is this country getting soft? ( were i mean that people are taking 4000 deaths to be equal to 5 million)




  1. Actually, it would be the opposite.  If the media had really done their job from the very beginning, we may not be there at all.  AND, if they reported accurately, meaning GWB and his merry band of theives true actions in this, we would be home by now.  The rpoblem with the media was that it is a corporate machine that no longer does REAL reporting, only snippets that give the bare minimum, and often misleading, information.  So I would have to disagree that the media is to blame for how long we have been there by reporting on the war, they are partly to blame for now telling the truth LOUD and CLEAR.   4,000 wasted lives are 4,000 too many.

  2. That's a lot of deaths.

  3. when we get to 5000 deaths, that will be less than 1/10 of the names on the Vietnam  Wall. It's not very large in military losses.  Every life is precious.  I hope we can add the Afghanistan losses and the losses from 9-11 so it will be a total loss of life from the WHOLE war

  4. the answer is simple.

    do you think your death is "a lot"? btw,thats only 1death

  5. Everything's relative, 4000 deaths is nothing compared to the casualties on the other side.


  7. yes it is time for us to get out of there

  8. Every life matters! ...but I see your point. Lucky for soldiers today we have learned a lot through history and now, not so many people have to die. We are fighting smarter and using better weapon technology.

  9. Yes, 4000 deaths is a lot! How many injured?

    Perhaps the next leader of our government will find a better way  to deal with all of the international problems.

    God Bless our Troops and their Familys.

  10. Not a lot.

  11. 4000 deaths is alot!

    the world wars have massive memorials still to this day!

    one life is too much.

  12. 4,000 deaths is a lot. Always.

    It's especially egregious in a voluntary war that was promoted with lies and has no goals and no end in sight. Please remember the dreadfully wounded, as well. There are tens of thousands of those.

  13. World War II was just that, a world war, so there's no comparison to be made there.

    As to Vietnam, that was as much of a train wreck as this one is, so we should get out before the death toll gets that high. Forget the numbers. 4,000 deaths. Those are /people/ you're talking about, and you're worried about the country being SOFT because we care about 4,000 dead soldiers? Really now. Think about that.

    4,000 is a lot, especially considering this was supposed to be a quick, 6-month "conflict", and then there was that whole "mission accomplished!" bit.

    The media needs to stay there. They have every right to poke around, considering no one really knows why we went to war. The original reason was WMDs, but those weren't there. 4,000 deaths for an unclear reason is a big deal. The public needs to remember that there's a conflict going on. If the media stops paying attention, imagine how the soldiers will feel, if no one but their families are paying any attention. Moral is already pretty bad, I imagine.

    I sort of see where you're coming from, but just because 4,000 is a lower number doesn't mean the nation is "soft" and we shouldn't care so much. There's little comparison between most wars and this one.

  14. For a totally misbegotten war, one death is too many. How many more would make you feel safer?

  15. I agree that 1 life lost is too much, but i live in the uk and i have a few friends from regions effected by these wars, one friends in perticular comes from what is now a hotsport, he was telling me that before our forces moved in he had been camped out in his residence for over 14 months, he couldnt go out, now his family over there can go out, they can walk freely now through the streets and no longer fear the persocution they once endured. THIS WAR LIKE ALL MOST WARS WAS VERY MUCH NEEDED, AND ANYONE THAT SAYS IT IS A WAR BORN OF PROPERGANDER SHOULD TAKE TIME OUT TO DO SOME RESEARCH AND TALK TO THE PEOPLE BEING HELPED BY THE WAR.
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