
4-15-08 Have you or someone you know ever had a paranormal experience and saw demonic shadows and entities?

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Have you or someone you know ever came face to face with the supernatural and saw strange dark demonic shadows that on one else could see, how did you or them handle this, did you leave the lights on all night hoping that the light will protect you?




  1. Yes, I have had paranormal experiences.  There is no such thing as a demonic shadow, so I have to give you a no there.  And no, I did not leave the lights on...

  2. I'll tell you this much...Once that kind of evil crosses your path...your life is never the same (for the worse...not the better)

  3. my dad said he had an encounter when he was 10, but it wasn't demonic, it was his father saying goodbye

  4. Yes..actually my father saw a demonic black figure once..he was outside and began quoteing Bible Scripture until it left..he wouldn't talk about this for many years..he is a Christain and dealt with this thru prayer and faith..

  5. i saw shadows mists red ones and a demon on my husbands chest while i was astral projecting

  6. Yes unfortunately many times by myself and others in my family. Someone on the board here said they would not wish on their worst enemy. And I Agree. Evil should not be messed with. Run if you can. Get REAL help if you need to fight it.

  7. oh god yeah!!! that is as bad as it gets. in my sisters room there were these small imp like things. imagine a small Golem with coal black skin

  8. I have to say it's in the blood on my mothers side since many of us had paranormal experiences.

    I have only seen one dark shadow....and I don't think it knew I were there. All the rest were completely white to grayish spirits, and most new I was there, and or they would communicate some. Only one was perhaps demonic, and one did look human, completely dress in clothing. Some would walk on the floor, some float, and one walking through the floor on ground level.

    I usually turn the lights down most of the way or completely off, so if and when I wake or I am awaken, I can usually see them better in the dark.....I am not as scared as I use to be, kinda getting use to it:)

  9. I sleep on the couch with the light on and TV on.

    One time when I was younger I had a dreamlike out of body experience and I floated upstairs and there were gray orbs/spirits that sort of rolled my spirit around in summersaults and laughed. I got the impression they were not so much demons as earthbound people's spirits that liked to be ornery and jokesters when they were alive (maybe even my dead uncles?). I also had sleep paralysis where I woke up to a door slamming and called out my brother's name but no answer and I couldn't move.

    I still sleep on the couch with light and TV on nearby.

  10. I have never experienced anything that has required a paranormal explanation.

  11. I never saw one, that's a gift I'm grateful I don't possess, but I have felt the presence of one, on more than one occassion, and have heard the thoughts of one. It's an evil I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, and I'm told by someone who did see the one I had in my house that I should be glad I couldn't see it, because it was rather ugly. How did I handle it?? I prayed a alot, and afterwards slept with my rosary for the next few nights.

  12. Yes iv seen a big dark form standing over me and he was evil . no the lights being on wont help you.

  13. I've encountered inhuman spirits before. I'm not sure if they were demonic or not, as frankly I didn't stick around long enough to find out. ;)

    Powerful inhuman spirits are not something to be trifled with.

  14. I encounter them all the time when I have OBE's and Lucid dreams and I see them from time to time in the "Real" world

    I usualy kick there F'ing ***

    I dont like demons

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