
4-2 rotations? Don't understand!?

by  |  earlier

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Heya. I'm a setter on my team and I don't understand the 4-2 rotation at ALL! I have a middle school match this wednesday and i really need help w/ learning rotations. I know that when the ball is served, you rotate to some spot. I don't know which spot to rotate to! We were doing like a practice run and my coach made me stand right back at first, but when someone serves, I didn't know where to go! Then, he had me stand in front left. I'm soooo confused. What do I do? Where do I go?




  1. ok

  2. Well you need to understand the rotation first of all. It starts with you moving one spot after every side out/change servers by moving in a clockwise path.

    If you start at server position (right back) after a side out you would move clockwise to middle back. Side out and then left back, then left front, then middle front and then right front and so on until the match is over.

    If your a setter in a 4-2 you will play defense in the back row with everyone else and then when you rotate enough spots to get to left front you now become the setter. Depending on your coach you should probably go to the middle to set. You can't go to the middle until your team has served or the other team has served. You need to stay in left front until the ball is contacted by the server and then run to middle. The girl in middle needs to change spots with you but only after the ball is served. It is called out of rotation if you do this before the ball is served. So stay in your spot until the ball is struck then switch. You wouldn't have to do this when your team rotates and you are now in the middle front spot. Then when your team rotates again and your in right front you will need to do the same switching with the middle person again.

    Watch the other teams or players at your level and see what they are doing...see if they are running a 4-2 and watch them.

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