

by Guest33722  |  earlier

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1) Why do kids always make the wrong comment at the wrong time in front of the wrong people?

2) Why do you look at yourself in the mirror?

3) Why is it called Alcoholics Anonymous when the first thing you do is stand up and say, 'My name is Bob, and I am an alcoholic'?

4) Why is it that when someone tells you that there are over a billion stars in the universe, you believe them, but if they tell you there is wet paint somewhere, you have to touch it to make sure?




  1. 1- bcuz they are just kids.they are not experianced yet that when is the right time,right place or a right person to speak to.

    2- To see that how do I look in differant makeovers or to check if I am looking good or not.

    3-Being an alcoholic is not just to save them from embarassment ,they are called anonymous.

    4-When we look at a clear night sky in not_so_polluted areas , we can easily guess that there are about billions of stars.When we see a wall with wet paint,we cannot guess looks like it is dry from some angel so we have to touch it.

    And,it is not easy for us to proof that there are billions of stars as it is to proof that the wall is wet with paint.

  2. 1.cos' they have a wrong instinct

    2.just to make sure that it isn't somebody else let others know that i'm drunk

    4.better safe than sorry

  3. 1) Because little kids have a secret conspiracy. They've formed an underground club for it and they train each other in the best ways to upset their moms, dads, older friends, etc. They reason adults don't remember being in it when they were little is that the kids erase their memories of it when they become too old to be in this club. The only reason I am able to tell you about it today is that I escaped the little jail cell they put me in before they could erase my memory.

    2) I look at myself in the mirror because every two minutes I forget what I look like which is a side effect of the traumatic childhood experience I had, as described in #1.

    3) Because people in AA are also suffering from side effects to traumatic things they experienced while in the underground Annoying Kids Club. When they say "My name is Bob", that is actually not their name, it is their codename that they subconsciously remember from their days in the AKC. So, they are still being anonymous because they are giving an alibi, not their real name.

    4) While in the AKC, we were all taught that touching wet paint when told not to would trigger annoyance in adults. Thus, we still retain the tendancy to touch wet paint.

  4. 1) Because they can't seem to find more things wrong in their life that what is already wrong !

    2) Too see what's there and too see what will be gone in a few years

    3) THat's a good question if it were anonymous your right why would you sya your name or maybe they are all lying and saying there names are bob?

    4) It's curiousity isn't hasn't killed us yet!  

  5. 4) because you can't touch the stars. if the stars were reachable, i would touch them, too, just to make sure.

  6. 1. because they're weird

    2. to make sure we havent changed since yesterday, after all cant trust our friends

    3. because bob isnt his real name

    4. because the atrologist says there are ovr a billion stars....astrologists dont care whether the paint is wet or dry

  7. 1) because if they didn't, no one would know the truth

    2) because spoons don't give a good enough representation

    3) the drink is anonymous isn't it?

    4) because we're too lazy to touch all the stars, so we go along with it

  8. 1. Because everything is just so wrong, why make a right comment? I

    2. It's hard to resist, lol, I don't know

    3. That's a good question, though my name is not Bob.

    4. Yeah, that has happened to me before, too many times. It's weird though. It's the little things that count.  

  9. 1) Maybe its the other way around.  They make the right comment in front of the right people at the right time and its the adults that are wrong?

    2) Everyone else does it

    3) I dont stand up and say "Hi my name is Bob" becuase my name is not Bob.

    4) Who wouldnt want to touch wet paint?  Its like you get to feel the wall and the wall gets to feel you back.

  10. 1. Kids are run by little imaginary fairies that they create and they tell them what to do.

    2. To make sure my teeth are clean.  (Smile!  Your on Candid Camera!)

    3. Because the people that come are already drunk and won't remember anybody there.

    4. Because if it really is wet I wanna fingerpaint for a little while.

  11. 1.because its exactly what u were thinking but u lie and they tell the truth

    2. to remind me of what i look like

    3. they're probally drunk at the moment and dont care

    4. too much work counting all those stars and its easier to check if theres wet paint, people are lazy lolz

  12. 1. Because they know they have to so they can embarrass you.

    2. Becuase i'm so hot i just HAVE to look at myself

    3. They want to make it sorta ironic

    4. Because we have no choice but to believe them and with the paint we can be ourselfs and make sure! :D

  13. 1. Because my kids take after there father.

    2. I remember how hot I used to look before I got married.

    3. Bob's real name is Tim.

    4. I like the feel of wet paint.

  14. 1. I'm more concerned as to why your children are with the wrong people.

    2. So that way I know I was voluntarily looked at.

    3. To see how stupidly drunk u are

    4. Because its not fun to touch stars...they're pointy  

  15. 1) because when they see their crushes their out hangs open and in crawls a spider

    2) Because pigs are my favorite animals

    3) too drunk to know any better

    4) people want to find a new way to tattoo them\

    sorry all mine are bad except for #2

  16. 1) PEANUT!!!

    2) I wonder if that blue dot is on me, or the mirror, so I try to catch it off guard

    3) Bob is a brillant name!!! Everyone pretends their name is Bob at one point =D

    4) I can't be bothered to count! And yet I don't want to get paint on my ***...

  17. 1. cause there dumb

    2. cause im s**y

    3.  becuase they're alcoholics dur

    4. lets see you poke a star

  18. 1. It Murphy's law, look that up.  Its life.  Some of its cute, but intentionally doing it is not kind.

    2. To see if there is lettuce or things in my teeth, yuck when I smile, who wants to look at that, or cheeeeeeese..yuck

    3.  Its to remind yourself your an alcoholic and show others you are powerless and your life is unmanageable because of the disease  You share your experience, strength and hope. Then help others, its a great program. Many lives are saved through that fellowship.

    4.Human nature, nosy, and inquisitive beings we are, and mischievous too,

  19. 1. Because it's funny! My son told our waitress last night, that her perfume was stinky!

    2. To make sure I look good!

    3. Because admitting you have a problem is the first step!

    4. Ha ha that's too funny to answer!

  20. 1.Because they are innocent and their brains aren't as developed as ours.

    2. To see if I need to pluck my eyebrows or if I have anything hanging out my nose.  lol

    3. Because you have to make up a name if you want people to talk to you.

    4.  I never believe anything anyone tells me, so, I have counted the stars and in fact there are over a billion of them. So that answers the wet paint part, too. I guess.


  21. 1. because they are born programmed always to do with accurate precision and intelligence the direct opposite of what their parents tell them to do

    2. to serve as evidence the reality of the existence of the core of my being?

    3. because they get a kick out of people actually believing it  - it works every time! - muah ha ha ha ha ha!

    4. you tell them you believe them because you don't want to look stupid - "yeah, of course I know there are over a billion stars in the universe - I knew that...what do you think I'm stupid or something?"

    You want to touch the wet paint to show them that you are not merely agreeing with them like it may have appeared with the billion stars scenario... nope this time you want to further prove that you do in fact have some sound judgement and reasoning of your own. "Yep, it's wet paint alright"

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