
4-H fund Raiser ideas?

by Guest64340  |  earlier

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alright so my 4-H group is planning on takeing a Vacation to scotland or australia, or Ireland its liek a trip wher eyou ride horses and stuff. well we need some fund raiser ideas. so far we are planning on makeing saddle stands and tack boxes and allready have some people interested in them. We will most likely have a car wash again to. But what would be some fund raiseing ideas that dont cost alot of money to get teh supplies.




  1. Maybe you could get area businesses to donate items & have a silent auction. Bake sales, tack swap meet & charge a couple of dollars to each vendor.

  2. Bake sales?  You could have parents or kids in your club that are part of cooking make stuff.  Our club does gift wrapping at murdoch's during the christmas season.  We do it by donation and usually do really well.

  3. I own a small embroidery company and we do fundraisers for non profit organizations. We offer blankets, hats, shirts, jackets, basically anything you want to sell. We can personalize them and your organization gets a portion of the sales. We have found that people will buy more when you offer them something that they actually want and not more candy bars or popcorn.

  4. We did BBQ's at our club shows, the parents cooked the food, while we showed our horses lol...but we raised about $200 every show...Hungry People = Bigger Profit :) Also we did a huge trail ride day (we had lots of trails...) and we charged $35 per person and we got local businesses to donate prizes and food for a BBQ after and a raffle...ppl got 2 tickets to put on whatever they wanted in regards to the donated prizes...If your club shows attract a large crowd, you can ask businesses if they want to give  you a banner with their logos on them to put on the outside of your ring...and charge them a small fee to do so every show or for the full season (we asked $80 per banner for the season) worked well...the horses got really used to the banners, especially if its an out door arena......

    Good Luck!

  5. -clean tack for people

    -poo pick fields for people

    -do any yard jobs tat people don't like doing
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