
4 Qs rolled in 2 1 bout bikes....?

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1. in scotland (aberdeen) were is a place u can learn and train how 2 ride a moped?

2. in the uk how old do u have 2 be 2 start like lessons 4 a motorcycle?

3. is the motorcycle test just as hard or as easier as the drivin test?

4. how much is a moped/motorcycle gonna cost




  1. 1. I live in the Isle Of Man, however the best thing for you to do is to look in the telephone book or drop into your local test centre for a list of instuctors.


    2. It is 16 for a 50cc, 17 for a 125cc (usual learner) - 250cc, 21 for any cc.

    3. As long as you know what you are doing on the bike then you will have no problems on the test.

    So therefore in that sense it is just as easy as the car.

    4. For a cheap motorcycle it could cost you anything from £500-£1000,  whereas a moped is automatic, you could get a cheap one from £800+

    Remember you need to do a CBT (compulsary basic training course) before you can ride, lessons can cost anything from £18-£25.

  2. 1-,ot sure up there

    2-16 is the legal age to ride on the road.

    3-easy compared to a car test

    4-£600 will get you a decient one....

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