
4 adoult boas, what sice cage.?

by  |  earlier

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first off, i have always wonder this. can 4 female boas (red tails) live to geather healthly w/o a male in da same cage.. if so should i double the cage sice for a very snake. examble. 4 red tail boas in a what size cage??




  1. huge

  2. they shouldnt be living together....they might be stressed but i would try a 150 + gallon

  3. how do they eat????????? no seperate cages at most 2 per tank!!!! let them eat seperately,  wow..........  get a HUGGEEEE tank and if possible get two so there is only two snakes per tank!!

  4. techniqually they could live in the same cage but if they are all adults, you would have to build a custom built enclosure, probably one taking up a small room. Reptariums are pretty cheap, you may just want to buy 4 260 gallon reptariums.

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