
4 gallon fishbowl...what kind of fish?

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So I decided to get a fish or two, but I don't have much space for the actual tank (or bowl), so I went to my local pet store and bought this 4 gallon fishbowl, without thinking that not all types of fish could live in a bowl. Now, what about those things that sit on the bottom of the tank and create bubbles...would I be able to rig one of those up in a bowl? That way, the water would be moving at least.




  1. 4 gallons is a good size for a single Betta, if you have room to add a heater, as they need water 76-82 degrees in order to thrive.  They don't need a bubbler, but a nice gentle filter would be a bonus for your fish.

  2. The only thing you can have in that bowl are white cloud minnows, if that.  Get a heater and you can get a betta.  I suggest returning the bowl and getting a 5 gal mini bow aquarium.  They come with a filter, light, and aren;t too big.  Just get a heater and you will have alot more options.

  3. betta's are real nice to have... i have 4 and they are just adorable.. they would fit in that... you also wouldnt need the heater or anything... mine dont have them and they've lived for over a year.  

  4. small fish, and not too many. the only fish that will live without a fileration system and a heater are goldfish and betas  

  5. Single male betta...the best option...and he ll love it in there space for a filter..tht wud be even good...umm..most info i like the info here...and research more before getting one...its also called siamese fighting fish...No other fish in a 4 gallon bowl will do good.

  6. Just because its a bowl doesnt mean you cant make a nice aquarium. 4 gallons is a pretty good size for 4 small fish or one betta

    you can get this mini heater

    and this Bio filter that is an air pump too... It's mostly used for bringing up fry, but im sure it'll work as long as you keep up on water changes and NEVER clean a biological filter in tap water (it kills all benificial bacteria) just rinse it in tank water when it gets dingy.

    they also have other small filters but im not sure it would work for a round bowl.

  7. air pump with airstone or a small ornament would be helpful (needed) with circulation.  

    Fish:  a bowl will not have heater or a filter, which limits you to small (because of tank size) coldwater fish.

    Goldfish are a no-no in a tank 30gallons or smaller - too much waste.

    Mountain cloud minnows or danios would do ok.  A couple of rosy red minnows (a common feeder fish) would do ok.

    Rule is 1 inch of fish to 1 gallon of water.  

    Remember your weekly water changes and you should be fine.

    PS.  4 gallons is very small. if you have room for a 10 gallon fish tank, the water filter will half the amount work.  

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