
4 global high and low primary pressure areas?

by  |  earlier

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In your own words, describe the 4 primary global high-pressure and low-pressure areas.

Also in my book it says they're located on the map as "cells or uneven belts of similar pressure." WTF does that mean? HELP!




  1. The highs are at the poles and the mid latitudes because of sinking air.

    the lows are at the equator and the upper latitudes because of rising air..

    this map may help

  2. Low pressure belts exist on the equator and at about 60 degree latitude N ans S.There are high pressure belts near about 30 degree latitude N and S. and over both the poles. In conformity with this pressure field,easterly winds prevail both in the tropical region and the polar regions with westerlies in the temperate zones.More details follow.

    The equatorial low pressure belt is called Doldrums.This is a region of calm winds due to weak pressure gradient.

    High pressure belts exist at about 30 degree latitude on both the hemisphere and these are called horse latitudes.These belts experience calm and light variable winds with clear weather.

    Again low pressure belts exist at 60 degree latitudes on both the hemispheres and high pressure belts lie on both the poles.

    In the tropics,the trade winds blow towards the Equator(from the horse latitudes to Doldrums) from the north east in the Northern hemisphere and from the south east in the southern


    In the mid-latitudes, the westerlies blow(from the horse latitudes to the low pressure belt at 60 degree latitude in N and S) from the north-east(N.H) and south-west(N.H).

    In the polar regions,the polar easterlies blow from north-east and south-east towards the low pressure belt at 60 degree latitude N and S.

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