
4 men 1 woman stuck on and island who gets her?

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Is it the strongest ? or do you share her? If so is that on a rota system? or all at the same time? Is she under any obligation to sleep with all the men? (yes i know physically she is not, its her body and all that, i mean morally , to relieve the stress and tension that will build up, you know for the good of the group)you may think this is a sexiest question, but I will guarantee you this , put it the other way around and the poor man would die of exhaustion! Think about the way chimps behave and then about Banobos chimps fight all the time even kill each other, mostly in competition for mating rights, Banobos however are peaceful, their females "give it away" to any male that needs it and defuse the tension in the troop, are we more like chimps? I think there would be great rivalry amongst the men, fights and even more, what do you think?




  1. She's all mine!

  2. Depends if she's ugly. She probably won't care to give it to everyone and everyone probably wouldn't mind to share since they all know it's just a need.

    If she's attractive and she knows it, she might play it a little more. Although, I think ugly or not, women would like the attention of three men on her (so long as they're not disgustingly unbearable, I guess). She might be a little more hard to get and men would probably compete against each other like chimps.

  3. the guy that has food

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