
4 month old puppy was diagnosed with giardia and I was wondering the best way to clean my house to stop it!?

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So my little dog is on Panacur undergoing his second treatment. I need to clean our living room (where he hangs out) and my bed (where he sleeps). Does color safe bleach kill germs? Also my living room, which is also his play room so that he can hang with us has area rugs. Would vacuuming alone be alright or do I have to steam clean the rugs?

One last question. I understand the giardia cysts can be surrounding his a**s after he poops, would it be alright if I wiped his butt with a butt wipe (cottonelle or baby)?

I would ask my vet, but he went home early today so I thought I would ask all the smart people out in Answers land!




  1. just wash your sheets etc normally. giardia is just an intestinal parasite you cannot catch it and wiping with a wipe is fine although there really isnt a need unless it just bothers you.

  2. Although this isn't part of your question, to avoid getting giardia in the future, only let your dog drink from tap water/house water, or from moving streams. NO PONDS as this is where bacteria is often grown.

    My dog has had giardia around 3 times, and I volunteer at the humane society. Unfortunately, I am no newbie to giardia, haha. (:

    So try to only let your dog drink from moving water or water that you have given him/her.

    (i agree with bob)

  3. Clean your floors with a borax and vinegar solution.  Borax works in the laundry too.

  4. I have a 4 year old and 7 month old Chi. My older dog was fine until the puppy came along and they both got Giardia. The puppy keeps reinfecting himself by constantly eating his p**p then gives it to the older dog again. It has been a nasty cycle that it really hard to cure. Giardia is totally capable of infecting humans and can live a good amount of time outside of the host. Just make sure you clean the anal area and then constantly vacuum and clean. Disinfect as you would normally. The parasite needs a certain temperature to live so once it hits the rug or such it will die off. Panacur will become useless because the parasite grows a resistance to it. If the parasite returns do not let your vet give it Panacur again - ask for something else. I am on my forth bout with this menace. GOOD LUCK!!!

  5. All that bleaching will probably wreck your floors and furniture.  The bad news is that Giardia is pretty much everywhere.  Administer any meds to your dog that your vet prescribed and that should take care of the messy symptoms.  Wash your hands well after handling your dog and before eating.  You'll probably want to steam clean your carpets if puppy has been messing there, but that won't prevent an outbreak or help cure him.

    The baby wipes might clean his rear end but a butt bath might be easier if it's in the surrounding fur.

  6. dear lord.  please ignore vet tech's answer.  giardia is a protozoan and it IS contagious.  not only to other animals but to people as well.  make sure you clean thoroughly and yes, you can use bleach water.  just wait til it dries.  no need to wait several days.  wash your bedding and so forth however you normally wash them.  make sure your dogs paws stay clean, pick up the p**p, and if you want you can wipe his a**s with baby wipes but it is not necessary.

  7. He didn't get Giardia from your house.

    Dogs get it from drinking puddle water where squirrels, coons or skunks have peed.

    The medication has killed the parasite  in your dog. You could wash his beeding in hot soapy water and wipe his butt but  it will all pass without doing that too.  It's a minor illness.

    Carry on a usual.

    People and children in daycare get Giardia regularly and don't even know it.

    It could happen to anyone but is most common in hunting dogs.

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