
4 month old sleeping at night?

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My 4 month old is exclusively breastfeeding and was sleeping 6 or more hours at night for the most part...some nights he would sleep for 6 hours straight, other nights he would sleep for 4 hours straight before waking up for a feeding. For the past few nights, he's been waking up every 2 hours or so and I'm not sure why... I think he might be teething -- could this be related?




  1. Could be teething - if it is, its absolutely related.  

    He could also be going through a growth spurt.  A normal time for a growth spurt is 3 mos, but, of course, babies don't know how to read a calendar ;-)  Some babies go through growth spurts quite often.

  2. same thing happened to me, my little guy used to sleep 6 or 7 hours straight and a month ago he started waking up every 3 to 4 hours he is very irritable also so maybe they are teething who knows.

  3. My baby is 4 months old as well and she was sleeping for 9 1/2 and has recently been waking every 4 hours at night. It's very frustrating I know but I'm pretty sure it's just a growth spurt. On top of that it is very possible that he could be teething.  I think we'll both just have to grin and bare it.  

  4. Could be teething, could be growth spurt, could be a number of things.  Has your baby recently learned anything new like rolling over?  Sometimes when babies learn something new it can disrupt their sleep cycles.  They are so interested and excited about their new discovery that they can't sleep, or are especially easily disturbed.  

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