
4 month old to mexico?

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My family and i are going to Mexico next weekend and i have a 4 month old daughter. My dad is telling me not to take her cause she is to young and she can catch diffrent colds out thier. I need other peoples advise please. Thank you




  1. Just a couple words of advice, but you should have no problems:

    I'm not 100% on what the air travel rules are, but by land you are required to have a birth certificate (not passport) for children under 18.  If you are traveling by air, you might check on that.  I cross the border everyday, often with my 4 month old son, so I am sure of this rule.  

    Also, use bottled water for mixing formula (if you use it) and rinse anything used for the baby in bottled water.

    Keep in mind that not many restrooms have places available for changing diapers.

    Besides that, take normal care like you do in your country.  Don't bring her to crowded areas, let strangers hold her . . . She will be fine.  :)

  2. Oh please, I'm begging you, don't go.  You'll sit next to me on the plane and your little monster will scream the entire time!!

  3. please don't!!!

    i think you need a Passport

    the water depending on where you go

    breast food ...mexican food in breast milk you are asking for a crabby baby

    dont you want to live it up and drink

    go now by yourselves as the baby is too young to know....youll be enjoying disney worls together in a few years

  4. The baby really is very young for that trip.  She would be exposed to many strangers , etc.  YOU would be able  to have more fun on your vacation without the baby...leave her with her grandparents.  I know you will miss her, but she will be in excellent hands, and you and your spouse can have have time together.

  5. i've been there 7 times..lots of people take there kids
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