
4 more days <span title="until.........................?">until.......................</span>

by  |  earlier

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Woo hoooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):) Why is this week dragging???:(:(:(:( everybody long weekend was? Hope u all had fun...




  1. Girl my weekend was fun fun fun, l had a ball. l know you&#039;re looking forward to seeing sweet T&amp;T, l hope you&#039;ll have a good time.

  2. curious jed i remember the days leaving home @ 6:15 now i have to leave at 5:15 drop off baby den beat dat traffic heading into POS laaad fadder ah sleepy like dat.

    oh and yeah jed de week draggin ...can&#039;t wait for Friday ....have to take ah jink yes geeeze

  3. you know, u really have to be excited!!!!!

    normally yuh wuda give we chats bout we long weekend ent!


    hope u enjoy your vacation chica!!!!!!!!

  4. The countdown begins.....................................

    My weekend was one of much worry.............................since school re-opens on Monday then I&#039;ll have to wake up early to beat the stupid traffic!   Imagine when school is closed, I can get to work in 30 minutes if I am travelling, and less than that when I have a chaffeur.   Today I left home at 6:15 and reached 7:40 - and some schools ain&#039;t even open yet!

    Pray for me this afternoon!

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