
4 more months left of school, can I homeschool for the rest of the year?

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4 more months left of school, can I homeschool for the rest of the year?




  1. 4 months before you finish school forever? I'm all for homeschooling, but you're better off finishing. You'd spend the 4 months trying to figure out a routine. Once you finish, you've got your certificate, then you can spend the rest of your life learning whatever you want to learn.

  2. I'd say it depends on your reasons and what grad you are in.

    If you are having problems in school and you have more years ahead of you - yes - by all means.

    If you only have 4 months til you graduate - stick it out.  

    Do you have the  support of your parents?  do you know what curriculum you are going to use or does your school supply the text books?  

    I have homeschooled for 11 years and there are a lot of things to consider - and you also need to check into your state's homeschool laws and requirements.  will have that info.

  3. Depends on what grade you are in and if you're going back to school next year, if your parents are prepared, if you are planning on "pure" homeschooling or doing some sort of online or at-home/independent study program... Too many potential criteria to give a proper answer.

    ADDED: Just saw your other question. Yes, you should be able to homeschool your son for the rest of the year. Contact a homeschool association for your state for details.

  4. I don't know, can you? You have to ask your parents.

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