
4 negative pregnancy tests but still no period?

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Hello everyone! plz help.

I took 4 pregnancy over the course of 1 week, they were all negative. I had an IUD removed on july 3rd, I got my last period on July 13th and it was a normal period. The pregnancy tests i took every 2 days, last one 3 days ago.. Today is the 24th and i still haven't had my period. I have a doctors appt next week. My question is if it's normal to miss your period when you have an IUD removed. I had it for 4 yrs, it was supposed to last 10 but it flipped and had to be taken out. Is there a chance that i'm pregnant or is it just my body readjusting itself.. It may be my mind playing tricks on me because i haven't had my period, but i keep on having cravings for certain food, candy, and milk shakes. Yesterday i drove 25 minutes away to pick up Olive Garden food because i wanted shrimp, i keep feeling hungry and my b***s are really sore. They hurt and feel a bit heavy, i figured it was because i was gonna get my period but nothing yet.. What do you guys think, plz help... Thanks




  1. Get a different Pregnancy test because my wife did the same thing. We thought she was just gaining weight, but soon we went to the doctors to see. She was pregnant with our now 2 year old daughter Elizabeth.

  2. menopause

  3. Call your doctor's office and ask to speak with a nurse. They will give you the best scenarios and advice. There are many things that could be going on, and every woman is different.

    Good luck!

  4. like you said, it may be your mind playing tricks on you. although, these are signs of being pregnant... well, the boob aches at least for early pregnancy.  it is normal to have an abnormal cycle while you adjust.  just chill out til next week and enjoy mother nature going on vacation ;)

  5. well, if you are young it probably isn't menopause, but if you have had you period for like forty years, it may be menopause

  6. Call your doctor in the morning and tell him or her what is going on.... you could be pregnant or maybe it's a little late because of the stress, but to be sure call the Doc. Good Luck! Try Not To Stress To Much

  7. sounds like you're just sweating it b/c you got the IUD removed. Can we assume you're not using anything else?  

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