
4 out of 5 Terrorists agree, Hillary and Obama is their choice to lead America.?

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In polls taken in non friendly areas of the world, it is astounding the digree of support for Hillary, Obama, Al Gore, John Kerry among anti American groups.

Shouldn't that wake up the Democratic Party?




  1. Umm yeah. Considering you do not provide anything to support your accusation, I will take it as you made it up.

    Additionally you provide no details on your accusations as far as where this supposed poll took place. You also state that the poll was taken in non friendly areas of the world? What exactly do you mean by non friendly? Also remember the terrorists that we should be fearing are extremists or fundamentalists and not representative of the majority of the country they hail from.

    Search_Rescue - Since you felt the need to respond and degrade one of the posters, how about responding to my post and providing something to support your accusation.

  2. Rubbish. OBL loves Bush and always has. He has found someone both stupid enough and arrogant enough to lift his cause. Bush has made him a hero instead of a villian. Only a republican will give him the clash of fundamentalism that he craves. Look into the mirror and who do you see - another fundy staring back at thee.

  3. Maybe these people that have polled feel that they could comfortably work with Hillary or Obama to resolve some issues....Anything wrong with that? Or would you rather we just continue to blow up innocent people worldwide, including our own?

  4. you are an idiot just like these folks...enjoy your war!

  5. yeah right, whatever you say Rush

  6. One would hope having the support of terrorists would wake up the democratic party ....but I  do not see that happening.

  7. hillary has been picked by the corps and rulers of america

    that people like you let take control... democracy is dead....

  8. Your source of information please?

    You are a divisive sensationalist - not a true American.

  9. If terrorists are polled, they have to pick someone. Those are the names people all over the world are familiar with. If Bush was on the list, they would have picked him. Use your head.

  10. Whats that the friends of my enemy. Are the traitors of today.

  11. Still afraid of the cave dwelling rock chuckers, huh?  The more you undermine our civil liberties out of irrational fear of terrorists, the more the terrorists win.  If we lose what we're fighting for, we fight for nothing.  Idiots!

  12. You would think it would wake them up.  Democrats are weak on terror, Clinton let Bin Laden escape.  The Clintons time and time again widdled the military down to a fraction of its former self when they were in office.  There are hundreds of cases where the Clintons and staff disrespected the honor guard that served in the White House.  They hate the military, and thus will be weak on terror.  One thing they will do is make this country more reliant on government. i.e socialism= Baby bonds, socialized health care, government 401K.  

    We need less government involvement.

  13. for some reason, this doesn't surprise me.

  14. yeah, it has always made me wonder..

    I recall that during the '04 election, a comment attributed to OBL about the dangers of a Bush reelection.

    Now if HE didn't want the President re-elected, it should have sent a huge signal to Lib's everywhere.

    It was ignored as usual.

  15. As "Big Brother"?

    Would you let "Small brother " kick you on the butts?

    Or tell "Small brother - sit down and keep quiet"

    With " Children are to be seen and not to be heard"

    Then say "Open the mouth and say Aaah"

    Have a teaspoonful of salt.

    In time come and kick me on the butts.

    What do you think?

    So how to be the Boss?

  16. You should get your head reason to spread false information like that, any free thinker can tell that your just another part of the machine. If the "terrorists" are enjoying ANY U.S. president, I think that it would be Bush, seeing as he's a fabulous catalyst for recruitment...

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