1. Patricia, age 60, single
Wants to buy: a necklace
Price: $10,000
Take-home pay: 40k/year
Living Expenses: 30k/year
Savings: 500k (producing 5% or 25k/year)
debt: zero
Owns home outirght valued at 80k
Social security income when she retires at 65: 10k/year
approved or denied?
2. Tom, age 29, single, retired
Wants to buy: A famous painting to hang up in his living room
Price: $200,000
Living Expenses: 25k/year
Savings: $1 million (producing 5% or 50k/year beore taxes)
Owns home outright valued at 100k
Approved or Denied?
3. Jake, 23, Sarah, 27, married
Want to buy: New Television
Price: $3,000
Combined Take-Home Pay: 50k/year
Living Expenses: 25k/year
Savings: $5,000
They rent; do not own home
Both want to retire at: age 55
Approved or Denied?
4. Samantha, age 9
Wants to buy: A fancy make-up kit
Price: $100
Allowance: $10/week
Living Expenses: none
Plans to go to college at age 18
Savings: $1,000
Approved or Denied?