
4 people in 1 cabin... any advice please?

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Ok I was so excited about going on this Caribbean cruise next month that I wasn't that concerned at 1st. But I've cruised before & know how small cabins are (we're in an outside quad) and I'm kinda concerned about how uncomfortable we'll be. First we all have to shower before dinner & only one shower? Will we ever make it to dinner on time? Also it's 3 girls & 1 guy (we're all friends) but we don't wanna change clothes in front of him. So that's going to be an issue. If you guys have any tips to make things a little easier we'd luv to hear them :)




  1. Dont eat the baked beans.

  2. I don't suppose the guy will be too eager to change his clothes in front of three girls either.

    Get the guy to go down to the cabin first, let him shower and shave first and get dressed and then let him go for a pre-dinner beer while you girls are doing your thing. When you're all ready, you can meet him in the bar and go in to dinner.

    Also the suggestions above about using the gym / sauna shower is a good idea, it's not usually busy and its bigger than the cabin shower.

    You'll all be just using the cabin to wash and sleep, and with 4 in the cabin it will be really cosy. I am sure you will all manage to have a great time.

  3. One girl showers and while she does her hair the guy gets in the shower, dresses and gets out of the room. This should take him all of 5 minutes! Then the next gal showers and the one with the least make up and hair issues goes last. By showering last she gets a lower bunk! It's all about trade-offs!

    Have a ball and don't worry so much about the little things....nobody knows you anyway so it doesn't really matter!

  4. It's going to be crowded, but you knew that when you bought the tickets.  Just change in the bathroom, or while he is in the bathroom.  Take turns in the shower and fix your haair in front of a mirror in the cabin.  You can make it to dinner on time by starting to get ready earlier.  Not everyone has to shower at the same moment.  You don't have to do everything on the ship.  A cruise is supposed to be a vacation.  Don't stress over this stuff and have a good time.

  5. this site has useful cruise information

  6. best answer is for a few dollars more get a second cabin ..if not run the guy out first ...

  7. Send the guy to the spa to shower and dress.  Or, the gals can go to the spa to shower and dress.  The showers in the spa are free.  This is about the only way I can see this working.

  8. Hey, that 's just a minor problem.  Don't worry about it.  It will work itself out.  You are going to have a good time and so is he and you all can work it out.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  Just have fun:)

  9. Remember to pack a power strip.  There is only one outlet in the room.

    You might want to select the late seating for dinner so you have plenty of time to get ready.

    Caution everyone to pack light.  There is only a small amount of closet space.  

    Everyone should take a duffle bag for dirty clothes so the room does not get too clutter or smelly...

    Consider taking 2 swimsuits...who likes putting on a wet swimsuit and with so many people sharing the same bathroom, your suit will never dry just by hanging up.

    Use the space under the bed to store your luggage.

  10. get a 2nd cabin  :-)

  11. Send him up to the workout area to take a shower. They're even bigger than the ones in your cabin. Also, the girls can also take turns showering  there too. That leaves basically only 2  trying to get into the same bathroom at a time. Most bathrooms you need to step over to get into the bathroom and because of this the light switch may be on the outside. When you open the door then you'll wake everyone else up. So I take a small light where you press it to turn it on and wait until I'm in the bathroom to turn it on. Its only 3 inches across or a small flashlight will also work.  Talk about everyone expectations before hand. Will you take turns climbing into the uppers?  You'll have a great time regardless. Bon Voyage!

  12. Take your showers up in the spa/gym area!  No waiting, and no problem with the guy.

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