
4 week old and the hic ups

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my 4 week old gets the hic ups after every feeding the sound like the hurt is this normal




  1. yes very normal; can also be a sign of reflux, but usually is just normal; my dd hiccupped in my tummy all the time and still does it, though she does have the reflux :)

  2. Very normal.  Did your baby have the hiccups in the womb a lot too?  Mine did and she would get them very frequently as a newborn.  She is beginning to grow out of it now that she is 6 months old.  Every baby is different but I can tell you that the hiccups will not hurt them...maybe irritate them but not hurt them.

  3. yes mine has always had them sence the day we brought him home.

  4. Very normal for the baby to get hiccups.  Both of my daughters had the hiccups in the womb, and have continued to have them.  My almost 4 year-old still gets them.  I noticed it happens more frequently when she eats rapidly...but then again babies don't eat by mouth in the womb so????  Anyway, give her a little more milk (breast, bottle, or even a pacifier...if you give one) and they will clear up...until the next feeding!  Good luck!  Enjoy Parenthood!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. it is normal, and they probably bother you more than the baby. but if you give the baby a little bit of milk it should take them away.

  6. Yes, its very normal. My daughter had them when she was in my stomach. She had them at approx once a day since she was born and still gets them. She is 3 months old. Give your baby a bit of Gripe Water- it clears it right up.

  7. that is very normal. mine has them as well.

  8. This is normal.  My baby got hiccups when I was pregnant with her.  Both are normal.

  9. My doctor said that this is normal and that is does bother the mother more then the child. But he also said that I could give her some water to drink and that gets rid of them. Milk didnt help her she just spit it up. But she did fine with the water. It took me a little while to get her to drink it but now when she gets them its like she waits for the water. It only takes about .5-1oz to get rid of them.  

  10. yes it is completely normal and they dont hurt he/she would be crying if they hurt.

    congratulations on being a mommy

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