
4 week old kitten pees a lot but still no p**p.

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I just adopted a 4 week old kitten 3 days ago. I have been bottle feeding him about a tablespoon of kitten formula every 6 hours. I have read and watched on line how to stimulate the kitten to pee and p**p, he is actually peeing on his own at this point but in the past 3 days he has not pooped at all, i keep him in my kitchen when I'm not home so i know he hasn't pooped elsewhere. I have used warm wet cotton balls and warm wet paper towels to try and get him to p**p but still nothing. any advice?




  1. are you using kitten milk from vets not just regular bought kitten milk, as it really should have the vet 1, its not to expensive! try it on a small amount of mashed kitten food mixed with the milk!  and you could put some of the milk on a saucer for the kitten to learn to lap it up itself, it may not do this 1st time but soon will the more you keep putting milk down for it

  2. i would take them to the vet i had alot of kittnes at one time and that never happend to me

  3. try varying the pressure and length of time you are stimulating him to poo. if you still get nothing then it is time to seek the help of a vet he may be bound up and unable to p**p

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