
4 weeks pregnant?!?!?!?!?

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Just wondering if anyone has some advise?!

I'm a little overweight and i dint want to get to heavy during pregnancy so exercising a few times a week is this ok? ill be swimming and doing yoga!

also ant other tip for me?as i only found out I'm pregnant last night.

i.e what things i should advoid

also do i have to visit the doc straight away?




  1. book an appointment you do not have to see him straight away. if you have had positive hpt they will no longer take blood tests because a positive is so accurate,. they will put you on folic acid. which you will need for the babhy to avoid spinal bifida etc

  2. You should go see the doctor right away, because he/she will put you on vitamins and folic acid that are necessary for the health of your baby.

    You should also ask your doctor about exercise. Prenatal yoga and swimming are usually fine, but you should avoid swimming in lakes and oceans because of the bacteria.

    You should avoid cigarette smoke and alcohol, especially at this early stage. By about 12 weeks the fetus becomes much more resistant to teratogens, but anything you do can affect it. So be very careful. Don't exert yourself, don't lift anything heavy. Your best bet would be to see your doctor right away so he/she can advise you!

    If you have any specific questions, feel free to email.

  3. Congratulations!

    exercising is fantastic - just try not to over exert yourself. make sure you are stretching well and getting lots of water.

    Swimming, yoga and walking are fab for when you are pregnant.


    find a prenatal multivitamin you like and start taking them. This will help both you and your baby.

    up your vegetable intake - and really get into the green leafy vegetables - folic acid is your best friend :)

    things to avoid:



    soft cheeses (e.g. brie)

    meat that isn't thoroughly cooked through

    left overs

    processed foods (eg. processed meat)

    deli foods

    caffeine (a little is okay - like one coffee is alright a day)

    seafood (unless THOROUGHLY cooked)

    pre-prepared salads (e.g. pasta salad from the deli or coleslaw at KFC)

    egg that isn't thoroughly cooked through

    as for visiting the doctor, there is no urgency. But go before you are 12weeks so he/she can assess you and answer any questions you might have :)

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