
4 west ham fans do u think we have signed enough players?

by  |  earlier

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what do you think of our summer signings and releases? do u think we should hav let ppl such as zamora go?




  1. We haven't got rid of anyone significant yet though i do think it was a mistake to let Nobby go. Even for half a game he could make a difference. We definitely need to sign another left back, attacking midfielder and a striker. Cole is never going to make it and Sears and Hines are still a bit young. The new guy Behrami looks a really good signing. BUT Id rather we didn't sign in a panic and get c**p like we did last season. The best signings could be the new medical team!!!


  2. I dont think you've sold bad to be honest, they were just fringe players. It really depends on whether players come back from injury and lay a full season like Scott parker and Kieron Dyer, if not then you will need to buy on eor two players for sure.

  3. with all your sales and injury problems  hull and stoke could be 6 pointers.....

  4. so it's true that west ham only have a handful of fans...5 including yourself !?

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