
4 x 100 Relays Who Cheated?

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Who can the USA accuse of cheating to cover up their failure to qualify? Surely they can't blame the Chinese for this, or will they?




  1. Everyone accuses everyone of cheating. If I remember properly, didn't the Serbs accuse the Chinese and Americans of making Phelps the winner during his second last race?

  2. The US didn't blame anyone when Tyson g*y didn't qualify why would they now? The relay teams dropped the freaking baton not much you can do about it.

  3. i dont think they have blamed russia for any kind of olympic mishap yet have they?

  4. Please Americans. DON'T BLAME US!!!!

    Oh we are mortified by your loss on the tracks. But please, please let us just be friends. Why can't we just get along? Why do you have to blame everything on everyone else? Why are you such bullies???? Why do you have to make the world hate you so????

  5. Can leave the Aussies out of this one thanks, we weren't even there and already copped the blame for the WAG UB Final and the Womens 4x100 medley.

    EDIT After womens heats is shown: That one wasn't our fault either!

  6. - Quited from Ching -

    Laurynn Williams said someone cast VOODOO on the US team. I guess they are blaming Haiti now

    -End Quote-

    VOODOO Doll! Mass destructive weapon!!!

  7. Why would they blame anybody. They dropped the baton. End of.

  8. people just hate americans,i can deal with it because i hate everyone who isnt american also.

  9. Did you see anyone blaming the Chinese or others? Geez... It is their own mistake.  

  10. Well, the U.S. did manage to disqualify a Korean skater to give Apolo Anton Ono a gold medal and steal from another gymnast to give midget Paul Hamm a gold medal, so I bet they're gonna find a way to put the U.S. relay team into the finals.

  11. They can only blame them selves.

  12. the grease on their bacon they had for breakfast.

  13. Laurynn Williams said someone cast VOODOO on the US team. I guess they are blaming Haiti now

  14. LOL GOOD QUESTION America just suck now, They cant beat China in Gold medals they, can't beat Jamaica in Track and field.

    Maybe they can blame Global Warming.  

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