
4 year old sees spirits?!?

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My 4 year old cousin's mother just found out she's pregnant. The mother's father died before the my cousin was born, so my cousin never met her grandfather. I don't even think her mother or anyone told her that she had a grandfather. Anyway, my aunt didn't tell my cousin she was pregnant, but randomly my cousin told my aunt that she talks to grandpa in her closet.. and he told her that she was going to have a little brother.

I don't mean to scare anyone, but would you believe her? I find it hard to believe and now I'm creeped out.




  1. i believe her, kinda like the movie the messengers. at least it's her grandfather she's talking to, just hope that no evil spirits realize that she can be a window to this realm or it could be tragic.  

  2. uhm i think that its a spirit or maybe a voice that goes into her head. But im sure its not like his ghost talking to her thats silly. Dont be creeped out if that is her grandpa its not like he can even touch her lol.  

  3. thats totally awesome i would believe her...just wait and see what the s*x of the baby is

  4. Little kids are more opened minded and, as a result, much more connected to the supernatural.  I beleive the little girl.  

  5. Absolutely I would because I have had similar experiences with my little siblings and myself.  Little kids are very open and perceptive to the world as well as the supernatural.  Most of the time adults are creeped out by this innate sense and squash it by saying that it is just an overactive imagination.  After a while the kids start to believe these adults and lose the ability to sense those things completely.  But fortunately for me and my siblings that wasn't the case.

    We have very understanding parents who believed us when we told them about the things that we saw, (and when we had premonitions that later happened) even when other people thought we were crazy.  I think that people would consider me to be somewhere between a psychic and empathic, and I see many of these same characteristics in my brothers and sisters.  

    Even though it might be a little strange at first to accept the things that your cousin has seen and can do, it is extremely important for her that you not crush her because she is just telling you the truth about her first experiences in life.  It is extremely detrimental especially to little kids when they are not believed for telling the truth.  If you don't believe her and crush her confidence then she could be either emotionally scarred or she could stop believing herself and lose her perception.  You've said it yourself, she had done some amazing and unbelievable things.  Just be trusting and everything will be fine.

  6. I believe its possible, but at the first signs of trouble I would consult a psychologist.

  7. Yes, I would believe her because children that are very young are able to see and hear things that most older people can't. I don't think that your cousin is a psychic and her ability to speak to her grandpa might wear out in a couple of years from now.

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