
4 year old son doesn't want to go to school anymore?

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My 4 year old started preschool on August 18. He was so excited about getting to ride the bus and playing with kids his own age. We had met his teacher twice before and he liked her a lot. Now everyday (this started on his 3rd day of school) I have to force him on the bus. He is always saying, "Mommy I don't want to go to school". I am so worried that his negative attitude now will affect how he views school later. I don't know what to do and would appreciate any advice from Mom's who have been there.




  1. Arent all kids like that?

    maybe you should find out if there is any bullying going on at school

    thats usually why kids don't want to go to school


    its compulsory that he goes to school

    so you might as well try to find out why he doesn't like school

  2. He's only been there a few times, right? He obviously enjoyed it at first, it was a new thing, a novelty for him. But now that's worn off, he realises that he's got to go everyday, the fun has worn off for him. You need to persist in taking him, making the journey to and from school as enjoyable as you can, don't talk about anything negative before he goes into school. Talk about what you'll be doing together when he comes home later, etc.

    You can also try using a sticker/reward chart, praising him for the days that he doesn't get upset. His teacher will probably work with you on this if you ask her. I'm a preschool teacher and this sort of thing is very common, so please don't worry too much.

  3. Ask him why he doesn't want to go to school, check with his teacher/s and bus driver to make sure he hasn't had any problems or been bullied, usually there is a reason kids suddenly stop wanting to go to school, especially if they've been excited about it beforehand.

  4. Have you talked to the school? It is often something simple, like maybe he doesn't like sitting in circle, or maybe another child did something he didn't like. It is not easy for little ones to transition into a new environment with new rules and different schedules. I'm sure it's just a minor phase that he'll get past once his comfort level is better. Also, you are able to visit in the classroom even with a two year old, it may be a good way to see how his day goes, so you can ask him specifics about his day, "Did you play in the block area with Joey today?" "Did your teacher sing that silly duck song again today?" That will help normalize his experiences and open up talk about what is going on at school on a daily basis. Hope this helps, good luck! :)

  5. theres got to be a reason he doesnt like it, could it be because of whos on the bus or is there someone in school he doesnt get on with?

    try talking to the teacher and your son see if you can encourage him to tell you why he doesnt like it

  6. My son does the same thing, and yet when he gets to school, he always has a good time.  I think he is just used to being able to do what he wants to do in the morning, and he doesn't like having to stop playing to get ready for school.

    Just keep a positive attitude about it with him, and reinforce the good, fun things about going to school, like, "But you always have so much fun playing with Michael and Alex, and the weather is nice, so you'll be able to play on the playground today!"  

  7. you go with him for a few days then he will get used to it

  8. Have you tried asking your son why he doesn't like school anymore. Maybe if you go with him one day if that's possible alot of schools have parent volunteer day. And that way you can see what it is that he doesn't like. It could be the naps or maybe it's a child that picks on him. Talk to his teacher and ask her is there anything that is bothering him. My daughter has her days when she doesn't want to go to school and some days she can't wait to go. It's pretty normal for him not to want to go when he's used to being home all day he has to get used to the schedules it could be the naps or maybe he just misses being home with you. Just ask the teacher if your worried.  

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