
4 years and still cant get pregnant! why?

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So me and my husband of 4 years have been trying to get pregnant and im afraid since i had an abortion 5 years ago that i might not be able to anymore? I have my period every month and everything so what is the deal? Im also over weight by like 30 lbs? any tips or ideas on how i can get pregnant??




  1. If you've been trying for four years it's time to see a doctor.  You might not be ovulating, you might not be having s*x at the right time of month, it could be related to your weight, we can't tell.  Ask the doc and maybe if you want to start charting your fertility.  Enter fertility charting and you'll get tons of tips with google.

  2. The best tip would be is to see a reproductive endocrinologist / fertility specialist.  Get fertility testing for yourself and your husband.

    Good luck.

  3. might be the exyra weight

  4. wooow keep tryin maybe try an go to ur gyno an get some hormone replacments

  5. I would try an ovulation kit from Wal-mart. It should tell you when you are ovulating.

    The key to getting pregnant, especially when trying, is to quit trying. I wanted a baby for so long. I had had three miscarriages in a row, and was desperately wanting just one more. It was not working. I decided that it was not meant for me to have another one, and to be happy with the child I already had. Two months later, I found out I was pregnant.

    Being overweight that little, should not hurt your chances any. If anything, the previous abortion may have. I would talk to your gyno and see what he thinks. Maybe he can do an ultrasound and see if there is any scar tissue that is preventing pregnancies.

    Good luck with conceiving. It is frustrating, I know.....

  6. Well loose the weight for one, but I doubt it's you or that you had an abortion - unless your 42+ years old.  Have your husband tested for sperm count and motility.

  7. Do you go to the doctor and get check-out?? I think you should have all the tests done on you to make sure everything is ok..  

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