
4 yo's 1st time ice skating - use a crate or skip it altogether?

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I plan to take my 4 yo ice skating this weekend and am uncertain if she should just try it out on her own with me nearby holding her hands and encouraging her while she falls or if I should put 2 crates on top of one another (cable-tied, of course) so she can actually move along a little bit and enjoy herself as she'll be able to keep up with her older sister a bit. She isn't normally one to get frustrated and is generally easy going and athletically inclined, but I am unsure as I do want her to learn how to skate eventually. I guess my question is.... Does the use of a crate prohibit one from learning the proper way to skate or do you think it might be encouraging to them to feel like they are moving along as they are getting the feel of what being on the ice is like. Thank you.




  1. Took a 6-yo and 4-yo skating for the first time not too long ago.  The 6-yo was doing great pretty quickly.  The 4-yo needed a hand to hold, but by the end of the session even he was skating by himself.  

    It may just be that he doesn't need the crates for very long.  I don't think there's any lasting harm to using them - when he's ready to try it by himself he won't be ruined by whatever technique it took to push the crates.

  2. She is only four.

    Far more "damage" will be done if she learns to be afraid of something than if she learns to be dependent on something.

    Put the crates out there and tell her they are for her to use to skate around with.  They you and sister go skating and come over an play with her a bit and then leave... don't say anything more good or bad about the crates/chair/bar or what ever just go on.  Pretty soon she will get tired of being left behind and go after you guys THEN come over and play more and help a lot and encourage...

    She'll know when she is tired of a crutch but don't make a big deal of it there.

    Just like a sippy cup or diapers from the past.  She wasn't wrong for those things just younger and then there came a time when she didn't need them anymore...

  3. Use a crate if you want, it won't hinder your child. However the best motivation is to watch her older sister do it or you. What really helps is if you can have a decent skater holding her hand on both sides. So she can try to shuffle her feet alone and still feel stable from both sides.  My daughter learned at wolman in NYC and I held one hand and she was able to touch or grab onto the wall of the rink with her other hand. Thus enabling her to build that self confidence and have the support she needed. Have fun and good luck!

  4. We used to use a won't take her long to get rid of it.  I turned out to be a pretty good skater.

  5. Hold her hand I guess.

    Here on some tips on skating. I hope these can help also.

    I play peewee ice hockey AA. You stride sideways. Don't lean back at all. Move your arms straight like when you run you know how you move them back and forwards? Do that also. Here is a link to a 3d skater doing it.

    This guys moves his arms differently than I told you. But the way I told you is the way my coach told me. Whatever works for you though. Hope I helped. Actually he does move his arms like I told you. It is just that from that view it doesn't look like it. Pay close attention and he is holding a hockey stick moving his arms like a told you.

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