
4 yr old daughter wants webkinz, can i have a code, account?

by  |  earlier

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any kind will do *except she hates lizards* plz help




  1. where do u buy it? i looked evey where but still i cant find it in uk

  2. jus go out nd buy one urself

    it costs $7.99 at walgreens

    $1o.99 at hallmark

    no one is going to waste $8/$11

    of there own money for a stranger they dont kno

    jus go buy ur own webkinz!! :]

    HoPe i HeLpEd!!


    U c@RLy

  3. They sell on ebay for 1 cent-$8. Just buy her one. Then she gets the online pet and an adorable real life version.

  4. You have to buy one at Hallmark. NOBODY IS STUPID ENOUGH TO GIVE AWAY A CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!  And my brother is 5 and he loved webkinz when I got mine, then I got his, and now he like never goes on webkinz.

  5. To get a code, you have to purchase a Webkinz.  They are not that expensive.  They have Lil' Kinz that are only $6.99 at Walgreens and a portion of the purchase goes to the Webkinz Cares Foundation. Large Webkinz are more expensive and can be found at Hallmark, J.C. Penny, Limited Too and Justice for Girls.

  6. you have to buy a webkinz, take that code, and put it into the comp. then type the code in every month so they make sure you're still using it. and if you forget and your account is deleted, they won;t let you use that code again.

    i wouold say not to get her one though, cuz the website is really hard. and i'm 13, and i couldn't figure it out.

    wait a few years...

  7. oh please. If you think we are gonna give you a free account then you have some mental problem.

    And anyway if you are a "mom" then go buy one your self!!!!!!! you can even order them online and they will ship it to your house!!!!!

  8. That is cheap. You should go buy her a webkinz. Taking a code is NOT ALLOWED by Ganz. I cant believe you were actually cheap enough to CONSIDER asking if you could have a code!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. well your just gunna  have to go out and buy one,i bet you are the four yr old,scam!

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