
4 yr old daughter with a horrible attitude?

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My 4 yr old daughter has the worst attitude i have ever seen.

I have tried 4 minn timeouts and she thinks its fun and games so i keep her in her room longer. i have tried a sticker chart it worked for about 2 months. i have taken away privlages such as tv toys snack after dinner going to bed early and the answer i get from her is ok with this sperk on her face. i than say to her do u understand why i am not happy and she says yes and tells me cause she was not a good listener. for example she has a half hour of smimming lessons today and before she got to the pool i said to her make sure u have ur listening ears on and she said ok. she got kicked out of the pool 10 min early due to not listening. i told her i was not happy and all she did was laugh and say ok. so know what nothing seems to be working. help please she thinks its a big game i am playing with her.




  1. super nanny to the rescue!

  2. that's how kids are these days. try spanking with a belt or hanger and you'll how scared she'll be if she does'nt listen. those are parents job to do. don't jus stare at her and spoil her, give her some lashes.

  3. Might want to try giving her back everything and when she is mad ignore her. It will make her upset that you aren't paying attention to her and tell her that you are not going to listen to her until she starts listening better. Say she says she wants a PB&J you give her another type of sandwich saying oh i'm sorry i wasn't listening. See if she understands it better coming from the other end of it. Hope this helps.

  4. Maybe she needs o get out more energy or more time with you. Maybe you could include her in "big girl" activities like helping you make dinner or vacuum the living room, etc...  When you put her in time out in her room is she playing with toys in there, you should put her in a spot with nothing in reach for her to touch.  Are you following thru with her punishment, when you tell her you are taking something away do you give it back before you told her you would. She is 4 and testing you in any way she can, trying to find out how long until you crack.

  5. Spank her when she does something wrong and tell her why she is getting spanked.

  6. She craves your attention thats for sure!  She might be a naughty kid but hey sometimes children have little rebellions to show their independence. That being said its not ok for you to ignore her transgresions and give her what she wants. You should definitly show her how it feels to not be listened too. And sometimes a spank on the bottom to show you mean business and that you are the authority is good too. Im not saying spank repetedly I mean just a sudden spank. Its enough to shock her and realize you are not kidding around. But every spanking MUST be accompanied with an explanation. Otherwise she wont understand why it happened and instead of respecting you she'll fear you. I was brought up to respect authority that way. YOU are the parent not her. She KNOWS what you WANT to hear but she doesnt seem to UNDERSTAND how upseting she is to you. You are the mom you've been around longer and therefore you make the decisions.

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