
40-50 lbs before my birthday which is in december. please help me?

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i really want to lose weight i dont feel comfortable about my weight. so i really want to lose some.




  1. That is a f*cking ridiculous goal and is so unhealthy in that few months.

  2. thats alot of weight in so little time really....drink lots of water, exercise ALOT, I dont know that you will lose that much, but maybe it will help.

  3. The problem with this situation is that you think that 40-50lbs means you will be happy. You cannot lose that much weight before December . Only by destroying your body. Losing huge amounts of muscle and water, making you feel like people in African aid ads look.

    Even if you lost that weight, you wont be happy. No sane person derives happiness from their weight. If losing that weight was truely important, it wouldnt matter how long it took. People who want to be astronaut dont say they need to be by December. That sort of deadline is just a reflection of your unhappiness. Its not as if that is not real, its just that you have to deal with that, being unhappy, not your weight. What will being lighter give you? I lost about 50lbs when I was 22, but it wasnt that fun, made me feel a bit better about myself but it really changed nothing.

    Two points to sum it up, why do you want this? Do you really think it will make you happy?

    Second, will anything you really want in life be given such a tiny deadline?

    Weight loss will usually take about 1 week per 1-2lbs. That means you need to dedicate about 6 months at least to it, maybe a year. If that seems too much you probably have to look at the why more than the how.

  4. exercise and fast for 40 days and 40 nights like Jesus did.

  5. well what im gonna tell you is no garintee on losing weight just looking skinnier.

    1. eat mainly fruits and veggies -lay off carbs and proteins

    2. drink water- dont drink soda, milk, juice, ect. just water

    3. do lots of sit up- you'll get ABS

    4. run a lot -makes you're legs skinnier

    5. buy dark clothes - and stuff that flatteres your body

    6. dont be stressed - when you are stressed you tend to eat more

    7. eat ONLY 5 well balenced healthy meals-NO SNACKS

  6. with a healthy diet and exercise the average person should not lose more than 5lbs a month.. if you lose if too quickly its just as easy to gain it back even faster

    dont overdo it.. losing any weight will boost your self esteem tho

  7. Run

  8. dude sorry thats like impossible to do healthily.  give it like a year <-- check out this site as well

  9. get someone who understands weight lose like a weight watchers coach. Donlt listen to anyone here if they told you this was a realistic goal. You won't feel right you should only lose 4 lobs a month. Just get some help & you will reach you goal in a healthy way. You will be glad if you listen to me.

  10. starve yourself

    and exercise


  11. I wouldn't try to lose that much weight in that amount of time. And if your going to try, do it healthy, just get on a good balanced diet and excersis, don't mess around with pills or anything.

  12. I suggest drinking more water, and cutting back on calories (I would suggest how much but I dont know what you eat), and also, if you're eating lots of junk food (as in more than once in 2 weeks) then I suggest cutting back on that. Also doing around 45 minutes cardio excercises (mixed with muscle training).  

  13. I just discovered the 10 minute trainer, from It's fantastic. I've only done it for a week and I've already gone down a size in my pants. You only do it for 10 mintues a day (at least), every day, and that's it. It's great! I'm trying to lose 40 pounds myself (my b-day is in January) so I totally understand what you're going through. I hate that I can't wear my smaller clothes and it is frustrating when you bust your butt exercising and don't see results. But, the key is to find something that helps motivate you and stick to it. Even if all you do is walk for 15 minutes a day.

  14. It can be done. Go for a walk everyday. Even if it's just a little walk around the block, it's better than nothing. Eat smaller portions. You can still basically eat most anything you want, just cut the amount in half. Don't go for seconds. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Maybe do a few crunches before bed, that always helped me and got me tired and I'd sleep good throughout the night :)

    Good luck! You can do it!!

  15. Try consulting your doctor 40-50 pounds is a lot of weight to lose in 5 months...I dont want to dissapoint you but if you lose weight this'll gain back twice as faster. Quick weightloss is dangerous for health.

  16. it's doable, exercise twice a day, in the morning and at night, lift weights once a day on a rotating schedule (upper body/lower body something like that), eat 5-6 small healthy meals a day instead of one larger one, drink lots of water and cut back on anything else you drink (coffee, soda, even milk and juice because of the calories)

    I go to the gym in the morning, run for 45 minutes on the treadmill then lift.  I go back in the evening and do a exercise class, yoga or cycling.  I eat a breakfast of about 300 calories about 9 o'clock, when I get home from the gym.  I usually drink a protein(musclemilk light) drink of about 150 calories at 12:30.  I eat a 300 calories lunch at 2:30, a 200 calories snack at 4:30, and a 300 calorie meal at about 8-9 when I get home from the gym at night.  I am never hungry, even with all this exercise.  Sometimes I have to force myself to eat when I am not hungry so I stay on schedule.

  17. bariatric clinic.

    they give you pills.

    you drink water and are on speed,..but you'll louse the weight

  18. Well I know some one that went on the South Beach Diet and was able to lose a lot of weight in a couple of months. But with the amount that you want to lose in less than 4 months, it might be impossible with strictly diet.

    So along with the diet, drink lots of water, and exercise regularly. Weather it's walking/running on a treadmill or outside for (at the least) 20 minutes or doing a cardio machine, Just make sure to exercise at the least 3 times a week.

    This is how I would go about. Good luck to you.

    Oh and by the way, you can find the South Beach Diet BOOK at any one of your local bookstores (most likely). And that is all you need for this diet, then just follow the rules & stick to them.

    And, remember your goal and how happy you will be at the end of this!

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