
40 Weeks having bad cramping on and off....?

by  |  earlier

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It feels like i have to go to the bathroom and the pains get really painful at times. They come like every 5 to 7 minutes or so, but some are more painful than others. I'm not having any back pain at this time, so I'm not sure if these are contractions or not.

Can anyone help?

I've already had kidney stones and have had to call the doctor many times before and i don't want this to be another false alarm.




  1. You dont need to have back pain in order to be in labour another sign is period like pains in the lower pelvis groin area.  And pressure like you have to do a number #2 is a good sign too. Means the baby is engaged you really need to watch these things now time them if you have 4 or more in a hour go to the hospital or call the OB unit speak with the oncall doc they will let you to come in or not. Better to be safe than sorry, check too for any fluid leaking it doesnt have to gush out of you or any bloody show in your panties

    good luck

  2. contractions! if it feels like your period atthis time, you aresoon to be in labor!

  3. I would call your on call doctor now. ASAP don't worry bout what we have to say cause the pressure thing sound like labor starting. Also keep active so that labor will start if your not in real labor. Real contractions should last at least a min. You'll feel them in your back and they can rotate forward to the front of belly. Also your stomach will get real hard.  But seriously give that doctor a call and let them know whats going on.

  4. Sounds like labor to me, are the pains to the point where you have to stop what you are doing? If so, then call your Dr and tell him you are on your way to the hospital. This is exactly how my labor was with my son. In fact, we got into the car twice before I let my hubby drive me to the hospital. Good Luck! and Congratulations!!

  5. It sounds like you are in labor.  I would definitely call the doctor.  Better to be safe than sorry.  Labor comes in many forms.

  6. I would say if they are coming regularly like this and dont go away when you change your activity then i would say you lil one is on the way.  Also if you are having BM when you go to bathroom then this could be a sign your body is getting ready to deliver the baby.

    Make sure that these pains are definately coming regularly by timing them. (if you arent already)

    All the best  

  7. you're 40 weeks pregnant... call your doctor and tell him before you go into labor right now.  it should not be a problem...  have you lost your mucus plugs yet?  just call him or page him and he will return your phone call.  better safe than sorry

  8. I know you feel like you don't want to bug the doctor. But any time you have a gut feeling you need to go with it. Doctors are use to women worrying and going in the hospital with false contractions. Its better to be safe then sorry. Call your doctor and tell him about it. It will make you feel better about it and you never know when it could be the real thing. You never know this could be the real thing you will never know unless you get the answers you need. Good luck

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