
40 gallon planted fish tank?

by  |  earlier

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I have started a 40g planted fish tank

I am using flourite black sand as the substrate, and I am running about

3.0 WPG of T-5 lighting on the tank.

With this high lighting, I believe I need to invest in a good CO2 system.

Will a paintball system for 175$ at the LFS be a good enough CO2?

I plan to plant my tank very heavy with jerns, swords, moss ect

Also is this good for astocklist?

4 neon tetras

4 rhasbora tetras

3 cory cats

2 guppies

2 bolv rams




  1. Yeah the paintball system will work, but if i were you i would just use DIY Co2. Not sure what jerns are but sounds cool... lol

    You could have a LOT more fish than that.

    I would go with

    8 neon tetras

    8 rasboras (rasboras are different than tetras btw)

    5 Cory Cats

    3 Gups (2f & 1m)

    And the pair of bolivian rams (I have four in my 55! They are really cool!)

    Hope i helped!

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