
400/800 times, which one should i do next year?

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Right now I am a Freshman on the track team who has never really competitively ran before until i started track. My race is supposedly the 400 but the last time I ran that was a one minute. Which is really slow, but now I feel that I could run it faster.

Today however I tried the 800 for the first time and actually felt really good, way better than a 400. I ran it without spikes (in converse chuck taylors) and the wind resistance was high on the final straightaway. I managed to get a 2:30 which is slow but i think its better considering my circumstances.

So basically which one is the race i should focus on for next year, I am a really skinny guy if it matters. haha. Thanks for any input.




  1. which ever one you like better. usually by the end of sophomore year runners have discovered the race they really love doing and it becomes "their race" this may change if you suddenly become better at a certain aspect of running that you weren't before for example sophomore and junior year the 3200 was my race but this year (senior year) i have developed my foot-speed a lot and now the 1600 is my race. you just have to go by what you feel.

    and alex, 60 may be below average for the 400 but 55 isn't much better. I run 53 in the 4x400 right after running the 2 mile

  2. well....the 400 meter time isn't horrible...its just not great.

    try to get it under 57 secs.

    and for your 800 meter.....try to set your goal for 2:00.

    hope this helps!


  3. For u; ud b a better 800 runner because the 400 meter dash more like a sprinters race and ud have to be a little bit bigger muscle wise to run that race i run track as well an i run just about any race on the track 400 is my race is well i average a good 53,54 u shud run the eight but u cant stop runnin or that 2:30 isnt goin anywhere GUD LUCK BRA

  4. Most high school runners tend to want to run down a race (i.e., most kids who consider themselves 400 runners should run the 800, milers should run the 2 mile, etc.).  This is because they don't realize that they can hold out their effort longer then they currently do.

    Thus, it sounds like to me that you just partially made that realization.  I would go with the 800.

  5. A 60s 400m is better than a 2:30 800m. But there is no reason you cannot run both. Many great athletes have run both the 800 and 400.

    Focus on the one you enjoy the most. I was an 800m runner in HS and college. I also ran some 400's but was not nearly as good at them. (1:52 vs 50.1 as lifetime bests.)

    You will ultimately do better at what you like best cause you'll have more motivation to do it well. Most people train as either sprinters (100-400) or mid-distance (800-5K.) But there is no reason why you can't train as a 400/800 runner.

  6. I think if you are running these times as a freshmen, with work and time you can become great.  However, a good boy's 400m time is around 54.  Around my area, districts (really good) is 50.2, and states is in the 49s.

    A solid men's 800m time would be around 2:08.  Districts is 2:00:02.  A lot of guys on my team run around a 2:15.

    Given that you feel that you could run it faster, I would say the 400 is for you.  Also, strength in the 400 leads to stronger 200s and 800s, so it would keep you well-rounded as a middle-distance runner.

  7. you honestly think those suck? for a freshmen tahts really good. id say do both if you could. or if you have 3 other 800 runners-do a 4X800.

  8. well a  60 on the quarter mile is actually i would say the 800 for sure.

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