
400 meter help!?....?

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I'm 13 and a guy.My best time is 58 and the school record is 54.I really want to beat it but i keep get 60 or 61. Any workouts that would improve my time significantly?




  1. The only thing I would add to Joe O  is learn to relax especially in the last 200 meters and to drive the arms to raise the knees in the last 100. The 400 is the hardest event to run. its a sprint but you cant sprint the whole race. Most people tighten up toward the end. There is no reason you cant beat the record easily by the time your a sophmore with determined training. 48 seconds sounds like a time someone gets on college. The best in most states in high school barely beat 50 ...sometimes.

  2. Sorry Edmond I believe your misinformed...Alot of highschool students run 48's as a matter of fact if you go/went to Penn Relays everyone in the championship 4x400 ran that...but to help you I'll give you the same workouts I gave someone else and they liked it...

    [3] 400's 10 minute break in between, you have to make your 200 in 26sec. mark where you are when you reach 58sec. the next two strive to move the mark closer to the finish line or at least at the same place.


    [3] 500's fast strides for the first 350 then sprint like h**l the last 150


    [8] 200's in 26/27 seconds

    lol try not to kill yourself trust me there very hard...

    If you don't like mines I would definitly try Joe O's workout but with like less of it because I don't think a 13 year old boy is capable ... But anyway running these workouts I went from a 73 to a 62/63 this was in about a week and half but don't expect this because inddor I ran a 64 ... the 73 was due to out of shapeness lol best of luck..

  3. i JUST  turned 13.

    last year i could do the 400 meter in about 56-1 min.

    now im better.

    but i did ALOT  of 200m sprints everyday at practice.

    try them often, theyll help.

  4. First off, congrats on your time. That is really good for your age, and with a little bit of training, you will break that record with ease.

    The first thing you need to do is make sure you get plenty of rest. Doing speed work is tiring and if you keep pushing yourself you will only end up hurting yourself more then helping yourself.

    But for the workout.

    1) 200m x 20times at 85percent of all out-- then rest for 2 minutes between each run.

    2) 100m x 25 times with walk back as your rest, 90-95%

    3) short sprints, whille wearing a parachute or pulling a 45lb plate that is tied to a rop around your waist.

    I did these workouts and as a frosh ran the 400m in 48 seconds consistently. 2 days a week will be more then enough, and 2 days of the week you need to run at least 3 miles to build your endurance for ling distance runs, which in turn, will help out with your 400m time.

    then remember, eat well, and rest when ya need to.

    Best of luck to you. I hope you tear that record up

    good luck

  5. well i'm hitting 57 right now if you were able to PR 58 you can do it. I had the same problem i could do a fast 400 but i kept getting over a minute. make sure to use a good stradegy in running it keep a pace for the 200m poistion you self in the 300m and sprint the last 100m you're going to have to figure out what works for you the workouts i do are 150, 300, 600

    sprinters don't want to run long distance cause it will acitivate slow twitch muscles sprinting activiates fast twitch muscles making you move fast try not to do the same workouts everyday since your body will get used to them and won't improve you want to throw random stuff at it so you will only improve doing 600m to max out will improve your stamina for the race anything under 400m will do for speed work i like tod o 50m-250m make sure to have good form when running the last 100m your arms have to bent at a 90 degree angle one goes foward the other back (right leg goes foward then the left arm goes foward and vis viersca)
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