
400cc Dual Sport or 250cc Cruiser?? please answerers...what do you think is best to keep?

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hey gang,

i am thinking of getting a bike with these gas prices and have 2 or 3 choices in my area. im not about the power as much as i am about the mpg, but i still want to be able to cruise on a highway if i have to...

my question is, based on mpg friendliness and longevity/reliability, what is teh best bike for me

first off, im 6'1" 160-165 lbs

my commute is side streets but i would like to be able to go on thehighway, though i am more concerned about fuel economy.

based on that, what would you pick:

1) 2004 Suzuki GZ250 60~70 mpg. 2422 miles

price: $2200 kbb:$2125

2)2005 DRZ400S 50~60 mpg1,600 miles

price: $3,500 kbb: $3855

3)2008 NEW honda rebel 60~70mpg

price: $3,599

im leaning towards the drz400s but the better fuel potential keeps drawing me back to the little 250's

some additional advice would be greatly appreciated





  1. Well yes the 250's have  plenty of power to haul  you and a passenger down the high way 75mph. I do it all the time  with mine. My son and myself is over 300lb. A kymco Venox or hyosung GV250  either one is a good cruiser and gets good mileage and both will do what you want. These are not some of the imported junk buy have 2  yr warranties and dealers. Both have been making motorcycles since the 50's+60's. And they use to make small motors for Honda and Suzuki . They have other styles and sizes also.

  2. The DRZ is a good machine. It was voted most fun bike by a large magazine a couple of years back.  The Suzuki GZ and Honda Rebel, are rather ordinary versions of the UJM (UNIVERSAL JAPANESE MOTORCYCLE) of the quarter liter persuasion.  For  that size class they are beat all hollow by the Kawasaki Ninja 250, brand new for 2008. I would pick the 400 but I weigh a good bit more than you do, and the 250 will certainly get better gas mileage.  Do not be concerned that the 250 will be unable to keep up with traffic, either. The ninja 250 gets up to 100 mph. and gets to 60mph a good deal faster than an economy car.  (It beats all but the hotter muscle cars and Italian super cars.)

    With that change, the 250cc Kawasaki, I'd go with the new motorcycle, if you insist on the rebel, or Suzuki, I'd get the DRZ.

  3. I would go for the 400. Street  riding is going to be most conservative and the more I rode any bike the more I grew with it- finally wanting more bike. Start at the max and take longer outgrowing it. As aggressive as I see traffic these days, it seems to me the best defense is a quick getaway. f somebody was going to give me a 250 or I could buy a 400 I'd be soooo on the fence and still leaning toward the 400. 60 MPG is still better than a car, until it starts raining. now, if somebody was giving me a Prius, I'd take it, but still lust for the 400.

  4. Go with the DRZ400, it's 100x more fun than the rest.

  5. of those, i'd definately go for the 400.... the DS, believe it or not would handle highway riding better then either of the other two...

    plus think about it... when you wanna get dirty, you can!

  6. 250's don't have enough guts to move you safely down the highway.  Get at least a 400.

  7. Dual sports are designed to experience a fall with minimum damage.  See the flex in things that protrude.  See the  engine armor and extensive aftermarket choices to add more protection.  Dirt and dings add luster.

    Cruisers are built pretty but remain fragile.  Dirt and dings

    are best avoided.

    Yeah, DRZ would work for me.

    Writer owns 200 cc and 650 cc dual sport machines.

  8. i have a  drz and it is easy to maintain and hop ups are cheap and it is so durable. its a  happy medium if ur in a mix of smooth and rough terrain.

  9. i have a drz 200 and it's an awesome bike! Good on the road and AWESOME in the dirt!! I can't bring mine on the highway due to it not having enough power to keep up with highway speeds but if you should have no problems on the highway with a 400! Just be careful on the highway with those knobby tires!!

    don't get a honda rebel, those bikes are junk! the school that i took the safety course at had them as their stock bikes and they were all beat to h**l and not running properly!

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