
400m help? please?

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I am a11 year old boy who ran a 1.08 in the 400 meter what can i do to get it down to 1.04 by next track season




  1. Great job!!!  I run the 400 and congrats on finishing.  JK.  Make sure you sprint it all the way around.  I took three seconds of by video-taping and working on my starts.  Make sure the leg that doesn't start forward extends until it's straight and push off that front pedal.  Endurance is KEY.  You can go on some distance runs.  Sprinting more towards the end of the off season is what gets you faster.  Every time you race the 400, you will become faster.  Try running a 400 at about 80% and then sprinting a 100.  Repeat this about four times.  Walk a lap in between.  A different day, do this continuously, sprint a 100, jog one, sprint one, jog one, sprint a 200, then jog one.  Full recovery in between.   Also, do some jumping.  Lay a hand towel out.  Jump to the side and to the front and back without touching the towl.  40 to the sides.  40 jumping back and forth.  Hopefully this helped.  Good luck!

  2. Jeez, that's a great time for an 11 year old! If you want to reduce 4 seconds off your time, I'd suggest making sure your start is as good as it can be - a bad start can add up to 2 or 4 seconds in itself. Also, just work on endurence training - run a mile or two a couple (or more) times a week, and really get your heart stronger.

    Best of luck!

  3. keep trying to improve and run against fast people.
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