
400m sprint help please?

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yesterday i ran the 400m sprint in 57.34 seconds and as soon as the race finished i nearly collapsed. I felt really dizzy and i couldn't lift my arms and legs, 5 minutes later i was sick, but a very watery clear substance cam out i felt horrible.Do you think this has anything to do with the build up of lactic acid? if so how can i prevent this from happening next time because im scared to run the 400m again.

btw im a twelve year old boy.




  1. If you want to be a 400 runner try some distance running just 20-25 minute runs a couple days a week.

  2. yes this is caused by latic acid build up.

    usually young runners who run the 400m, always be sick afterwards....

    when i was 12 i ran 59secs, and i was sick afterwards...

    according to my coach, its a good way of showing you ran hard.

  3. It sounds like you drank to much water right before you ran, sip water over a longer period of time, don't chug a whole bottle down in one sitting. I usually stop drinking water about 30 min before I run than I drink some about 5 min. after a race.

    Now this may seem weird saying this after saying the first paragraph. may have been dizzy and feel all jiggly because you were a little dehydrated. It takes days to hydrate properlly. so if you weren't drinking enough and than you drank right before that could be a huge problem.

  4. get used to it, that's how you feel after a 400.

    The good news is you didnt dog it, and you got guts,,,you have a future in this sport

  5. well Akky, I woud say you don't have to worry because it is not    somekind of illness to collapse after a race. It's normal. Most of the race I have win, I usually collapse afterward because I gave it my all. Next time do not drink too much water or eat anything too heavy before your race.

    Racing in 90% mental and 10% physical, so I'm sure you h eard that one, so do not et this accident get in your way of winning your race.

    I look forward to you telling us how you win the next one. I would say good luck, but you do not need it.

  6. for a 12 year old thats a pretty good time

    i have had the same thing happen to me it means that u ran the race the right way 100% ur body will always we that tierd after a fast 400m dash but eventualy ur body will be able to handle it , its not that big of a deal just keep running

  7. 1. if you drank water within a short time before running it was probably water, I've over drank water while lifting before and 'vomited' the same way

    2. are you breathing steadily throughout running? if you're running while holding your breath your muscles aren't getting oxygen which would make you feel light headed and want to collapse

  8. lol, the thing is you ended up pushing your body too hard too fast, basically your body is not yet conditioned enough to ahndle that kind of stress. I don't know whether the liquid is lactic acid (I doubt it though) but the build up of lactic acid is also a sign of poor conditioning. What I recommend is that definetily not to avoid the racing, but for a while stay away from pushing your body to the point where your arms feel dead, start by racing the 400m at mild paces and then build up to the point where you work up a good sweat but immediately you start feeling that the exhaustion is getting to that point again stop and take a breather and water is also very good. By the way, the liquid could have been water, but definetly do not stop drinking water during exercise. Then reduce the speed to a less exhausting one, keep this up making sure you are increasing the intensity and soon you will be able to run the 400 meter without feeling as though the angel of death is holding you by the neck.

  9. man if you can run 57s at 12 years old.[if your lying and in highschool than you should stop running that race by now]..then you are born for that race. What your explaining happens to us all the time...but you probably didn't drink any water.

  10. Thats good for a 12 year old

    most middle schoolers jog the 400 but you cant do that and get a good time my advice is to keep running it even tho your scared and tiered because it will be worth it trust me

    when i ran at my conference meet  i sprinted the whole thing and threw up 5 times after the race(it was the clear wattery substance). It was worth it cuz i won and ran a lifetime best (52 seconds)

    theres no way to prevent that from happening its part of track and you gatta deal with it if you want to win

    if you keep running you will probably be better than me in 2 years

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