
400m track tips?

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i have a race comming up, and i havent practised all summer because of a sore knee and i havent pracktised in the winter because they were renovating the inside track.

the weather is supposed to be bad, fog and rain.

my personnal best was 1minute 35 and i have been consistant with that, but i sprained my ankle 2 years ago and it never completle recovered because my parents didnt want to bring me to the physio.

im 14 now and i realy need help running the 400m cause i havent runned in about a year.




  1. HI im a freshmen in highschool. To run a good 400m indoor or outdoor it's all about tequnique. first you want to explode out of the blocks and go about 95% the first 100m and when you come to the first straight away use the curve to help you slingshot into the straight away, maintain your speed (dont speed up or slow down) then when you approach the start of the 200m mark start to pick it up. It's on the last curve where most people loose the race due to the fact that they are simply tired. So dont slow down on the last curve pick it up and go all out for the last 200m. Rember to lean into the turns, keep your arms at 90 degrees ( ear pocket), and come out of the blocks extremly fast.

    And its all about upper body strength work on benching, incline benching, pull ups and curls are all great ways to gain upper body strength. I realy hope this has helped!


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